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okay i know we all hate author's note at the start of the chapter, but could someone please help me get rid of PERIOD MONSTER?! i'm addicted on putting periods (.) and i know that it's distracting :( some help me PLEASE

Taehyung's PoV

it's my 19th birthday today! i'm so excited cause we're gonna be visiting ggukie. even though ggukie doesn't like to hang out with me, i'm still happy that i'm gonna celebrate my birthday with him. maybe he'll give me a gift? even a simple hug or wave would be okay. as long as he'll acknowledge me. ggukie and i are studying at the same university but he doesn't even say hi to me :(. i always greet him but he'd just roll his eyes at me. i even go to their table when it's lunchtime but he'd always tell me to go away. i don't even know what i did wrong to ggukie. all i know is that we were introduced by our parents when we were 15 but ever since he didn't really liked me :(. i confessed to him when we were 17 but he rejected me. i still haven't given up tho, cause i really really like ggukie. anyways, i need to go now and prepare my outfit so i can look pretty :)).


we're finally here at ggukie's house! i'm so excited! i wonder where he is?  we're already at their door. 

"are you nervous, baby?" my mom suddenly asked me. my mom knows how much i like ggukie so i think she's teasing me.

"moooooom" i shyly uttered.

"hi taehyungie!! happiest birthday to our prettiest boy!"  ggukie's mom suddenly opened the door and greeted me.

"thank you, auntie" I said while hugging her.

"let's go inside!" she said while gesturing for us to go inside their house. i was walking to their living room when a person covered my eyes.

"guess who?" the person said cheekily.

"uncle!!!" i happily guessed.

"happy birthday tae." ggukie's dad said.

"thank you, uncle." i wonder where ggukie is? maybe in his room? i'll go there!

"auntie, where's ggukie?" i shyly asked cause i know that they will tease me >:(

"missing your ggukie, huh?" ggukie's mom said. 

"i was just wondering..." i muttered.

"hey, don't tease my baby. he's just missing his ggukie." my dad said.

"dad! not you too. i thought you're always on my team!" i exclaimed. they love teasing me cause i'm always looking for him. my mom is the only one who knows about my feelings about ggukie tho. 

"just kidding taetae. jeongguk is in his room. call him so that we can have dinner after a ten minutes. okay?" ggukie's mom said. 

"okay!" i happily exclaimed.

as i was walking to ggukie's room when i heard some whispers so i contemplated if i should knock or not. i suddenly heard a woman's giggle. my chest suddenly felt tight. it feels like i can't breathe so i ran towards the bathroom. i felt my tears running down my face. w-who was that? is ggukie in there with a woman? i can't bare the thought of him liking another person. no, maybe it was just my imagination, or maybe he was just watching a movie. yeah, ggukie is just watching a movie. with that thought in my mind, i wiped my tears and got out of the bathroom. i went to ggukie's door again and now without any thought i knocked on his door. i heard him say 'wait' then i heard him walking towards the door. 

"what are you doing here?" he asked, annoyance clearly heard in his voice.

"it's my birthday so your mom invited us for dinner! she said to go down in a few minutes." i happily explained.

"and? call me when dinner's ready then." he said while shutting his door.

"wait ggukie!!" i put my hands on his door to prevent him from fully closing it.

"what do you want, kim taehyung? i'm busy." he declared while rolling his eyes.

"uhm. c-can i please stay with you for a while? we still have a few minutes till dinner. besides, i have a gift for you so in exchange for my gift could you please let me stay with you for a few minutes?" i pleaded. yep, i bought a gift for him even though it's my birthday. when i first saw this my thoughts are that it will really suit ggukie. i even customized it so that nobody could have the same as him.

"who even asked for you to buy me a gift?" he said. 

"no one. but i still wanted to buy you one. just for this day, can you please let me hang out with you?" i pleaded again. i know ya'll can call me dumb or stupid for acting like this, but i really like him so that's why i'm enduring all of it.

"fine." he said while rolling his eyes at me again and opening his door to his room. only for me to see a scene that broke my heart. 

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