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taehyung's pov

it's been three days since jeongguk left and six exact days remaining before we get divorced. as i promised, i met with seokjin hyung the day after the call. 


"taetaeeeee." seokjin hyung said once we saw each other at the café. 

"hyungiiiiieeeee." i said while hugging him. 

"tell me all the details. i didn't know that you got married? and what's with the divorce? is your husband hurting you?" he asked all of the question at the same time.

"relax, hyungie. i'll answer all your question. let's go and sit first." i suggested. which we did. sitting at the spot beside the glass wall. 

"before i tell you the details, please tell me that you will not freak out?" i said. 

"not promising anything." he sassily answered. typical seokjin hyung.

"hyungiiie?" i said, whining. 

"okay, but can i atleast freakout even just a little bit." he bargained.

"hmm, okay." i agreed.

"so tell me now." he demanded.

"okay, so first, my husband- no soon to be ex husband is the noe who you always called a jerk." i said, giving him a clue.

"jeon jeongguk?!" he yelled.

"hyungie, please calm down. people are looking at us." i said, looking around to see people looking at our table.

"how?! when?! what?! why?!" he asked, bombarding me gain with so many questions.

"how, it happened on my 20th birthday, we both got drunk and slept with each other. long story short, our parents saw us sleeping on the same bed, naked. people apparently saw us kissing, that's how they knew that we were on the same room. when? 4 years ago, a month after my birthday. what? we got married cause our parents thought it'll make a scandal if people saw us kissing and going in the same room, so our parents made it look like we were dating and we were planning to marry each other. why? i agreed cause i thought it'll make jeongguk fall inlove with me, but seeing that he already filed for a divorce, meaning i failed." i explained, breathing heavily cause i felt like i rapped because of all the talking that i made. 

"the divorce, is it mutual?" he asked, looking directly into my eyes.

"actually hyungie, he did mention that he won't love me right from the start of our marriage, but it's only been like 3 weeks? since he mentioned anything about divorce. so, he already filed it months before telling it to me. i'm not gonna do anything to stop it though. i've already woken up from my dream and i now understand that jeongguk will never love me back. ever." i answered. it's true, it's time that i prioritize myself first and stop chasing jeongguk. 

"good for you, taetae. good for you." seokjin hyungie said then he hugged me. 

after that, we just talked about random stuff about how he met namjoon hyung and how namjoon hyung will love me and treat me just like his little brother cause apparently 'he's a sucker for cute things but does not want to be obvious about it even though anyone could see that he's melting inside whenever he sees cute things'  and how 'i'll make that kind of effect to namjoon hyung too.' seokjin hyung said. 

we didn't noticed that it was already 7pm when we finished talking. so we bid each other goodbye cause seokjin hyungie has a date with namjoon hyung and he needs to prepare, but we promised each other that we'll see each other again. 

back to present 

right now, i'm looking for flights to canada cause i'll be flying there after the divorce. i already told my parents about my situation and they said that they'll support me for whatever my decision is gonna be, which i'm so grateful for. anyways, i'm booking for flights to leave exactly seven days from today. i'm already packing some of my things so that it'll be easier for me leave once i already signed our divorce papers. i'm thinking if i should write a letter for jeongguk or no? well, it's not like he'll read it and care so, i'll not waste my effort and leave. i know he'll get the idea once he sees the divorce paper. i was startled when someone rang the doorbell. i am not expecting anyone, who could that be? with that thought, i decided to go downstairs and check who it is.

i was really shocked when i saw who's the person behind the door. 

"hi taehyung." the person said.

"what are you doing in here?" i asked, still not opening the door for them. 

"taehyung, i know you probably didn't expect me to go in here, but can we please talk? from one person loving jeongguk to another?" she said. you're right, choi fucking jieun is standing in here with a child. 

"i-i don't think that's a great idea, ms. choi." i said. 

"please taehyung? just this once?" she begged. 

"okay." i sighed.

"just this once, since i'm already leaving next week." i added, whispering the last sentence. i opened the door for them and gestured them to sit on the couch.

"do you want something to drink? water? juice?" i offered. 

"uuh, no, thank you." she said while sitting on the couch.

"okay. since you don't want anything to drink, i'm gonna be straight to the point, what brings you here jieun?" i questioned. it's strange to me that she came in here 'to talk' especially if jeongguk is not here. 

"i-i know that you already know about jeongguk filing a divorce, i just want to r-request for you to please not do anything and just sign it? i also know that you already knew about us having an affair behind your back. b-but can you call it cheating if jeongguk belonged to me from the start?" she said. the audacity of this woman to go inside my house and request this. i thought.

"ms. choi, does jeongguk know that you're doing all of this?" i asked, crossing my arms on my chest.

"no, he asked me to not talk to you cause he's already doing something about us. but i feel like you will let jeongguk go if you come to know the truth." she said. the truth? is there still anything that needs to be revealed? i thought.

"the truth? what's the 'truth'? i questioned. 

what she said seconds later made my whole body go into shock.


please help me T^T i'm having a writer's block right now. i want to continue typing but there's no idea that is coming in head. 

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