Chapter 12

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I have now fixed the problem but the images wont change so the dress in this chapter is meant for the next and the dress in chapter 13 is meant for this  chapter.

Chapter 12

The morning came way to quickly for Amelia and as the dawns first rays peaked through her curtains she groaned inwardly and the fell back into bed she didn't want to get up and she had been dreading this day for so long know that it felt surreal that it was happening. She had asked Joffrey to be merciful even her mother had asked him to give the man some forgiveness and still it had fallen upon deaf ears. All too soon a knock was on Amelia's chambers door and pounding footsteps walked up to her bed as she sunk further and further into her warm covers. "Rise and shine Amelia, I have had your ladies go and get you breakfast and to get your jewellery for the day. Come on now up you get." Amelia wanted to defy Joffrey. Not do what he wants hurt him like he had hurt her and yet she couldn't.

Joffrey stood next to Amelia and helped her take off her nightgown, she was used to Joffrey always helping it had always been this way whilst they were growing up. Joffrey would never let her do anything and this often led to arguments as they were both growing up. Joffrey placed Amelia's nightgown onto her bed and lead her over to a small bucket that was filled with water. "You must look your finest today, I'm sure that Timothy will love how you are wearing the dress that he brought you. Maybe he will give you a loving speech before his head rolls from his shoulders" Joffrey smirked as he saw that she had stiffened. "Come your gown is already and laid out, I also laid your tiara out." Joffrey took Amelia back to the centre of the room and started to get the dress over her head, he pulled the laces on the back of the dress so tight that he knew he would probably be causing her pain. Joffrey then set out on brushing Amelia's hair leaving it down with her long Lannister locks cascading down her back. Joffrey gently place the tiara onto her head. The tiara was one that Amelia had never seen before but simply didn't say a word to Joffrey. "Come, breakfast and then we shall go and stand at the execution stage." Amelia nodded and started to eat small scrapes of her breakfast.

People were shouting and screaming as Timothy was pulled out by the guards, many people were shouting how he was a traitor and how he had poisoned Amelia's mind. The people of the lower city were all her watching the specular as it was described to be. Timothy was dragged through the crowds by the guards with his face covered in bruises and his eyes at the ground. As he was brought up the stairs his gazes feel to Amelia whom smiled at him and he noticed the small glint of sadness in her eyes. Timothy looked at her and tried to stay where he was for a little while longer but the guards dragged him further up the steps. Amelia tied to hold back the tears, as some were starting to fall. Her mother and little finger were stood to one side while her brother- the king was on the other looking down upon Timothy. The clocks struck as he was placed onto the stage and he looked into the audience. "I am Timothy Richardson." He pauses and stutters as serval words try to come out of his mouth but cant. Timothy looks back at Amelia who simply nods but when Joffrey notices he grabs onto her wrist and holds it tightly.

"I come before you to confess my crimes in the sight of gods and men; I betrayed the faith of my king and the trust of Princess Amelia Baratheon. I swore that I would help and protect the princess but led her to believe and master something that was truly s disaster waiting to happen. I plotted to teach Amelia the skills in sword fighting hoping that one day she would use them to kill the king as I did not think that it was his throne to sit on." The peasants started shouting and Amelia gasped not knowing that this was the reason for timothy wanting her to learn, she thought that he was being nice. Not a traitor Amelia looked to Joffrey and he took her into his arms as she sobbed, Amelia looked up at the king as she cried silently.

Amelia looked up to see that something was thrown at his head to make him fall back, but one of the knights pushed him back to where he was supposed to be. "Let the high Septon and Balor the blessed bear witness to what I say Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron throne." Joffrey let go of Amelia and smiled greatly with enthusiasm, Timothy may have been a nobody in many people's eyes but he had said what he wanted everyone in the 7 kingdoms to say.

The maester came and spoke about how the gods can be merciful but also brutal and harsh but it is the king's decision on what happened to the boy. Joffrey held onto Amelia as he spoke "My mother wishes for me to let Timothy join the Knights watch stripped of anything that he once had and he would serve the realm in permanent exile, and my sister your princess has begged mercy of Timothy but now hearing of his crimes and intentions, I doubt that she would like me to take this into consideration anymore." Joffrey looked down at Amelia and she simply shook her head. Joffrey looked down quizzically before continuing "But they have the soft hearts of women, so long as I am your king. Treason shall never go unpunished, Ser Illyn bring me his head. " the people cheered as they heard this news shouting for the king's good judgement and great skills. Amelia looked down sad and ashamed that she had trusted someone and been so stupid not to see the signs of being played by a man. Joffrey looked at Amelia and with his finger tilted her head up; he smiled at her and then looked towards the crowd. People were chanting and shouting all though her mother and several people of the council were concerned with his idea.

Timothy was pushed roughly down onto the block by the guards as the executioner placed his mask over his head, and swiftly the blade was drawn Joffrey turned Amelia to make sure that her face was tucked into his chest so that she did not have to watch. But all the noise fell on death ears for Amelie as it felt like everything was passing by very slowly. Timothy looked into the crowd before saying a prayer and placing his head on the block and in one quick movement his life which he once had was gone, and there laid a dead corpse on the floor. Amelia closed her eyes shut and collapsed under her brother.

Joffrey quickly took Amelia from the podium and into her chambers where he laid her down on her bed waiting for her to wake up. Joffrey sat on the chair by the side of her bed waiting as he did so, she should wake up soon. No more than two minutes later did she wake springing up right in her bed. "Was it true was that the only reason he wanted to teach me." Amelia cried into Joffrey's chest. "Shhh shhh shhh, he's gone now and we have my name day celebrations to look forward to." Amelia nodded as she felt relaxed in her brother's arms as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


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