Chapter 25

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Joffrey sat with the small council already bored of the dribble and Drabble of the pointless topics of the 7 kingdoms in which he ruled as King. Joffrey constantly asked if he had had a response from Amelia. It had been a week and two days since he had sent the letter and he had still heard no reply. He knew exactly where they were most of the time that was. But it was still nice to hear from her, imagining that she was still here.

He had dreams of her most nights holding her and kissing her lovingly. He missed her terribly and woke up a night in a hot sweat and a small whimper as he realised again that his bed was empty and she had been taking into the jaws of savages. He knew she would come back a northern whore but he longed for the day to have his innocent flower back in bed. Where he could control her every move, well most of the time, where he could watch her and her friends for hours upon end and smile when she did. He wanted all of this back and nothing more.

Joffrey was brought out of his daze when he heard his name being called "your majesty what are we going to do with the Warden of the north" Joffrey's head snapped up at the ,mentioning of the name "That title is not his, we have already decided on his fate. My dear little wife has begged me for his forgiveness, if he shows it than what more can I do." Joffrey sat that with a smirk on his face "I am a fair and just king after all." Most in the room nodded along with the idiot king as he got up from his seat and walked out if the room with a slam of the doors behind him. It wasn't the fact that Joffrey left though, many believed that the Lannister's had a fear for their little lioness's life. Many knew how harsh the winters could be.

The Northern hoard had set up another camp for the night they weren't far now but Robb preferred to have everything needed to be done before he got to Winterfell. He had a large tent set up in the middle and as the sun began to set on the horizon he summoned his lords and people in which he trusted into the tent. Robb had a clear idea on what he wanted to do, how he was going to free his father but he needed support and he only had a few lords around with him. The letter written to his little wife held serious threat to the Stark household and Robbs anger only flared when the king had his father in chains but he wanted him to go and kiss his butt. As the lords arrived he sat them down where the food was seated and began to talk quietly and solemnly.

Robb stood proudly from the table with the note screwed in his hands "my father a traitor to the king, written in the king's hand though the words sound like the Queen Regent." Many of the men within the tent already knew the news but the ones who didn't gasped or looked at the strong Stark man in front of them. "Joffrey Baratheon has put my farther in chains and he now wants his arse kissed. With small amounts of fear arising from the table and shout of disagreement and rage coming from the people around him. It was the master that quickly silenced them "it is a royal command my Lord, if you refuse". Robb was quick to stop the master from speaking as he looked at the men next to him, some he had not known other had been with him his whole life.

As Theon's head turned to look at him "I will not refuse, his grace summons me to kings landing. I'll go to kings landing." As Robb looked to his men he placed the screwed up piece of parchment onto the table "but not alone; call the banners." Theon smirked at this response and there were several cheers from the lord who supported this claim. The master looked at Robb carefully in the eye "all of them my lord?" Robb nodded at the man "they have all sworn to protect my father have they not." The master looked at robb again and with a small nod he let robb continue "now we will see what their words are worth." The master smiled at Robb before exiting the tent to make his way to deliver the news to the many Northern lords who had sworn to protect the Starks and their land. Robb sat at the table talking to the several lords as they discussed what they would do.

Later on in the evening Robb arose from his seat giving a farewell to the lords he retired to his tent, being told that many of the lords would be arriving to their settlement within the next few days. Rob felt some sort of satisfactory feeling. He knew that he would get his father back. Well that was what he had hoped for and with that he knew that something would have to give. As Robb was walking back to his tent he noticed that his betrothed was in her nightwear and walking around the small camp with her ladies. He was about to call her over but she was stopped by a knight in which Robb again had not seen before, from the distance that they were he saw the man pass her a note that she quickly went to decline. Robb could see the small amount of fear in her face but still decided to watch the situation unfold.

The man took Amelia forcefully and stuffed the letter down the opening of her dress as he went to walk away, but not before Robb shouted at the pair of them and they stood still in fear. It was the moment that robb came closer could he see the golden hair and instantly knew of the heritage of the man if he could even call him that. Robb was within grasp of the man before he set off sprinting but not before Theon with a smirk caught the boy and threw him at the feet of the Lord in the North. The sound had been heard by quite a few and many knights and men within the tent had come out to see what was going on at the sight of the man on the floor and the lioness in her nightgown many men had thought the worse. But the silence among the camp had become defining.

As Robb walked over to his betrothed he looked at her and he could see that she was uncomfortable, he looked down at her before gently asking her to show him what the man had given her. as Amelia produced the piece of parchment that he had shoved down her nightgown robb looked at it suspiciously he then looked at Amelia thinking that maybe it was a letter of conspiracy as he noticed the kings sigil but the young lioness just shrugged her shoulders confused at the whole ordeal.

Amelia looked over at the man he was more a boy than a man but she knew why he was there, he had the letter that was from the king. Saying how he wished she was there by his side. She had had many of them since she started traveling to the North every time refusing them and paying the sender rather generously and then telling the man that she had to stop doing this before he would leave again. But this time he was persistent that she had to read the letter that she had to know what was inside. It was like he had read it and it was the news that she needed. He said that she should read it and then burn it and act like it never happened. But then Robb saw them and the pair of them new that the ending would result in ta head rolling and a severe punishment for the other.

As Amelia looked at Robb he could see the anger radiating off of him and as she looked at the people that had accusing glares, she knew that they would be thinking that she betrayed her lord and become a common whore. But Robb hoped that that was not the case. As he looked at the man again and held the note in his hands "What is this?" the man looked away at the ground "A love letter, a letter of help to escape, a plan to go against the North" robb shook his head as the man would still not reply. "Should we read it? Read it aloud to everyone here. Who is it from, what does it encode." At the sound of the letter being read out the man tried to jump from the grip that Robbs men had on him to take the letter but he failed significantly.

As Robb held the note out him beckoned Amelia over "open it and read aloud" he stated as Amelia took the letter in shaking hands and read the letter out the Northern men. As soon as Amelia started reading she knew this would be her downfall.


I am so sorry that I have not updated, I have been in hospital over the past few days (well from Monday-last week) and then had to have an operation to remove my appendics. I am very sorry for not updating but I hope that everyone enjoys this chapter. Next chapter will be Saturday. I hope everyone has a good half-term. 

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