Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Amelia had been sitting in her room by the open window reading her book that she was very fascinated with. It showed the history of the seven kingdoms and she was keen to learn everything she could. She hadn't realised that Joffrey had entered her room and came baring food, she only noticed him when he stood in front of her and took the book from her hands. "Hey I was reading that and now you've gone and lost my page." she looked at him in annoyance but once she saw the food she walked over to the table and sat down, Joffrey watched her as she carefully tore through the meat to make smaller mouthfuls for herself. He studied her face she looked like she had no worry in the world which even though she was only ten and 4 years and he was ten and six years, there was a significant difference between them and what they did as a daily activity.

"Joffrey have you heard about Myrcella she is being sent off to Dorne to marry someone, apparently it was Uncle Tyrions idea. I don't want her to go; who else can I talk about dresses and knights with. You and Tommen are no good for those sought of things. She's leaving in two days, mother says I have to wear my finest dress for her send off." Amelia pushed the plate of left overs towards Joffrey, he looked down and noticed that she had had a few grapes, and a few mouthfuls of meat. He sighed; she was never one to eat much, not because there was anything wrong she was just so small and never had a bit appetite. "Myrcella will be fine don't worry, I am sure she will write to you and tell you all the gossip of the knights on Dorne and you can tell her all of the gossip from kings landing. I'm sure that when she does leave although she will be missed, you will find things to occupy yourself with during the days. Maybe you could come to court more and listen to all the stories of the common people, and about the dress I know that mother asked you to wear one. So I had one made in Lannister red and gold you're favourite." He handed me the dress and I looked at the dress in awe. The main part of the dress was red and it flowed but looked as if it would fit my body perfectly. But at the top it was intricate with gold detailing covering the upper part of my body and a small part of my arm. The dress was beautiful, one of the best that I had ever seen made. "Where did you get this, who made it? It's beautiful; I've never seen such wonderful needlework or style. Thank you Joffrey, thank you, thank you, thank you." I jumped up from my seat and jumped into his arms and hugged him.

He looked down at me and smiled, he then went and sat on my bed and looked around the room, his eyes spotted my bow and arrow. He had, had it crafted for me when I was a child he said that I could shoot arrows from a bow all I wanted but I was never to yield a sword. And if he found out that I had there would be severe punishments. "When was the last time you practised with your bow, I haven't even seen you leave the castle walls recently. Is something wrong?" Joffrey's face was full of concern, for he knew she loved being outside even if the weather was appalling she would still be out in the gardens. Or annoying the guards, or even going on a ride on her horse which she loved to pieces. She could never sit still for too long. He had noticed the dark circles that were forming under her eyes and how it looked like she hadn't been sleeping, she had been in her room reading constantly, talking to her maids and laughing with the knights. But it had been ages since she left the castle walls. "Are you feeling alright? You look like you haven't slept in years are you having trouble sleeping?" she shook her head; he motioned for Amelia to come to him, when she reached him she was turned around and put on his lap. Joffrey wanted Amelia to look at herself in the mirror; he wanted her to notice what he had. But she didn't she simply started into the mirror and when she met Joffrey's eyes she just smiled. The smile the Joffrey loved to see upon her face. "Come we must go for a ride, take you bow and arrow and we will go to the forest and you can practice on the targets there. How does that sound? Amelia simply nodded her head a small smile played on her lips at the sound of riding and shooting her bow and arrow. It was something her mother never approved of but she wanted to be able to have some sought of plan if she ever had to be in the world alone. "But we must be back with time to spare as mother wants us all to dine together tonight. Ser Thomas!" Ser Thomas appeared at the door within seconds, he smiled at us both. "Your grace? What can I do." He lowered himself into a bow but looked up cheekily and winked at me making me giggle. "Fetch us two horses were going riding in the woods." He nodded before walking off and down into the courtyard.

Joffrey stood up and then walked to my wardrobe of clothes, that hardly fit and several were already scattered around the room. He grabbed a softer dress that was more appropriate for horse riding and placed it into Amelia's hands he motioned to her to change and told her to meet him in the courtyards once completed. She did as she was told without a second thought, grabbing her Baratheon house cloak to wrap around her shoulders for when it got cold and finally grabbing her bow and sheath of arrows she set off.

Joffrey was in the courtyard with the hound a handful of guards who had all saddled up their horses and were clearly coming with them. She sighed and Joffrey looked over at her, "What's wrong little lioness?" he noticed that she looked around at all of the people. Amelia understood that he was the king and needed protection, but there were always so many people that had to come. It could never be a moment truly just herself and Joffrey. "Nothing's wrong your grace, is my horse saddled up?" she was motioned over to where her horse was and was given help to get on. As soon as people had got on their horses, without any order she kicked her horse and rode off into the village, as that was the way into the woods. She loved being down here, she loved interacting with the people, the children and seeing life in a different way. She tried to help people as much as possible, whether that was giving them money, going to the orphanage or using food from the kitchen to feed to the most needy she really did try. But it was hard to come down here; it was something that Joffrey just didn't allow her to do. As she was just about to enter the city, Joffrey came up behind her and pulled on the reins of her horse. "What was that Amelia, no orders were given to go? You could have got hurt you don't know what these scums are capable of doing." Joffrey shouted into Amelia's ear. Amelia looked down at the ground ashamed of what she had done. Joffrey looked at her in annoyance before riding to the front of the group of men. She hadn't meant to and she knew that Joffrey knew that, she was excited and when she was she in Joffrey's words 'could go out of control'. Although she had done nothing bad in hindsight Joffrey always thought of the worst outcome and that's why he stressed and shouted.

As she got further into the village shouts of 'my lady' 'Lady Amelia' and 'The beauty of the seven kingdoms' were shouted loudly and made Amelia smile. She was happy that the people had faith and trusted in her. She saw a small child walk up to her horse and smiled at her, she held a small toy up towards her. Amelia stopped her horse and got down; Joffrey was too far ahead that even if he did notice it would take time for him to get to her. "What is your name sweet child?" she smiled at me a big toothy grin and replied "I am Rosie my lady and I am 6 years. "She smiled happily without a care in the world and Amelia remembered what it was like to be her age. Amelia looked at the child carefully and noticed that her clothes were torn in several places and her feet were bare. "Could you do me a favour?" I asked Rosie who was standing in front of me. She nodded her head, and then looked very seriously at me, trying to concentrate on what I was saying. "I need you to take these five dragon coins and give them to your mommy and daddy. Tell them the princess of Westeros gave them to you and she would like it if they bought you a pair of shoes for you with the money. And anything that is left over they can keep for themselves." Rosie quickly looked down at her feet before saying thank you, taking the coins and running off as quickly as she could to find her parents.

I had re-mounted my horse and looked ahead in front of me all of a sudden Joffrey was in front of me with a sour and deranged expression on his face he grabbed the reins of my horse and told Ser James to stop that guards at the front. He pulled Amelia's horse closer to him and then told her to get off. She looked at her brother confused as he spat out the words again, she quickly obliged and slid off her horse with sadness. Joffrey then moved back on his and told Amelia to mount his horse and that where she was going to stay for the rest of the journey. There and back.


Thank you for reading the second chapter, it sort of long-ish. I have an idea on where I want to take the story and I will try and update every Sunday because of school and stuff hope. Please vote and comment.

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