Amelia Baratheon

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Joffrey had always shown her nothing but kindness. It was the only nice side anyone saw of him when she was around, Amelia Baratheon his younger sister age 13. She was his downfall; he could relax when he was around her he was a father figure to her. He always made sure that no one treated her badly and if they did they would have hell to pay. Now being king he had more power and even though he kept up his ruthless and quite barbarous rein, when no one could see him he would share and show all the kindness to her that he possibly could. He knew that when father died she took it massively to heart and suffered for days but he knew that he would be as much as a role model as possible. He made sure that she followed him everywhere and if he was not there he made sure a guard was. He wanted Amelia to not have to worry of things of the court or have a bad upbringing and he made sure personally that this was done.

Amelia Baratheon was thin and petite in height with golden blonde hair she looked exactly like their mother. Her hair was long and always in tight ringlets that stopped at her lower back and when she smiled it would lighten the whole room. She was known as the beauty of the seven kingdoms and even though she believed that she had no beauty she was constantly told that she did. She was called a little lioness by many. She prided herself in being a Baratheon wearing the colours of her house and always kept up with the latest fashion.


(Some scenes from the Game of Thrones will be used none of the characters are mine but Amelia Baratheon. I hope you enjoy.)

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