Chapter 28

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Robb knew of the troubles and problems that the morning had brung with the lords arriving and the placid face that he had to hold as he walked around the camp that had been made. Robb looked at the little lioness that shared his bed the night before as she held a smile upon her face; but he noticed the grimace that she held when she walked away from men that were not her own and was concerned on why this was the case. He knew what men were like, epically hungry men whom had not seen women for weeks on end and were becoming desperate.

Robb eyes always found a way of coming back to Amelia when he was talking to other lords or people of the camp. He found himself taking in things every time that he had not noticed before, and he loved that. Amelia would often look over and smile at the young lord as she would then walk away as she spoke to various people and robb knew this was her way of trying to prove herself to others around the camp.

Robb wanted to know what was going through the lioness's head, what she thought, who she thought about. Robb often wondered if she thought about him and the prospect of marrying into something unknown. But Robbs thought were cut off as a squire called for him in which saying several of his lords are in the war tent and food was being prepared for them all. As the squire bowed and went to make his exits Robb asked him to grab the princess and bring her to the tent as well. The boy looked uncertain before nodding and going to find the young princess.

As robb walked towards the tent he smiled once at the people outside before giving them a curt nod and walking in. as he walked in many of the men had already had too much to drink and were laughing and eating away. As Robb was seen many of the men stood to show respect, but other lords laughed and greeted the man that they had known all their life with a nod and a smile. Robb laughed at this gesture it was something that he had done with many of them since he was a boy and then sat down letting the remaining standing men sit as well.

As lord umber laughed loudly he started his slow and brawling speech "For 30 years I have been making corpses out of men boy. I'm the man you want to lead the vanguard." He spoke with such authority that you could see men around the table look away. As Theon looked towards robb a smirk played at his lips and he chuckled quietly to himself waiting for robb to continue. Robb looked at the man that was opposite him as they both sat at the edges of the table. "Galbart Glover will lead the vanguard." Lord umber laughed at robb again "The bloody wall will melt, before an umber marches behind a Glover." There was a small pause before he continued "I will lead the van. Or I will take my men and march the home."

The table fell silent and as robb was calculating a reply the blonde wisp of hair was seen and the men that noticed stood holding onto their swords and ready to swing. As the Lannister walked in to the tent she was shocked to see the vast amount of men and then when she noticed that many of them were holding their swords and ready to strike at her, her pride came in and she walked into the tent taking all of the attention in with her. She saw a small chair situated next to robb and with the small smile playing on her face she sat down gracefully. Looking around the table she smirked at the Lords "You may continue." Robb put his hand upon the back of Amelia as she noticed the dark look on his face and again she felt fear rise within her on what he was going to do. Amelia noticed Robbs wolf beside her and smiled before her glance fell towards the familiar faces around the table and that was only Theon. She grimaced quietly but she saw that Theon just gave her a small nod of the head.

Robb looked at his betrothed before continuing. "You are welcome to do so Lord Umber." It was then that Robb rose from his seat and looked at him with such a glare he could have been dead Amelia was sure of it. "And when I am done with the Lannister's. I will march back North, root you out of your keep and hang you for being an oath breaker." Amelia started to tremble now not only with the threat of her family being far from living in the eyes of Robb she had to deal with lords in which would probably kill her in her sleep if they had half a chance. With Robb standing in a fighting stance Amelia felt that it was the right thing to do to stand with him, show him her loyalty.

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