Chapter 29

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(Very short chapter, I was going to make it longer but the things that I wanted to do I think need to be in a separate chapter. So sorry but I hope you like this chapter)

As Amelia sat in her tent she found that her body shook and that she couldn't compose or have control over any reaction that her body had. Robb had still not returned and many of the Stark men had been throwing threatening insults and threats towards her as she was the undoing of Ned Stark. Maybe it was her fault, maybe she was the one that did everything wrong and that was why she was sent away and Ned was paying for the crimes that she had committed.

Through gossip and murmurs of the camp it had been said that Robb had gone to the war council tent with fierce demands and scary intentions, with the plan of trickery upon the Lannister men. With the stark army being 20,000 men and more strong. Robb would send some of them about 2000 down to fight off the Lannister's as he took the main fight at the Oxcross and surprise them at their own camp. And this would be where the wolf would show his strength and his ability to lead an army at a younger age. Although Amelia knew that these were only whispers she knew the battle plans of the Lannister's and their mind sets well. Often sting in on war council meetings she knew where the best and worse places were to fight and the people who would be leading the armies further north.

She knew once of the men would be her uncle Jamie as he was known for his skills across the seven kingdoms and then the other would be her grandfather. Who would fight in what battle was unaware to Amelia but she imagined that the both had enough skill to lead their armies to victory; and although she knew she had to be faithful to the Starks Amelia had a small hope in her heart that one of them would come and whisk her away.

As the evening drew in the young lioness had not eaten slept or drunk as she made herself isolated to the many men that were outside. It was almost as if she was putting up the walls so when everything came tumbling down she would still stand strong. Well that was what she told herself and that was what she believed. The loud chatter of the men grew loud as the drink was filling their bellies and the laughter and screams where heard from the lords with only presumptions being made on what they must has been doing. But with the more and more noise that Amelia heard the further she shrunk back into the tent until she felt that she couldn't be seen anymore.

Amelia closed her eyes as she wished for it all to stop to be home and in the warm arms of her mother and someone that loves her. To be loved that was all she wanted, and as she dreamed of home the flap to her tent opened and Robb strode in looking for the young princess with a cold face full of hatred and defiance. At seeing this face Amelia shrank further away but she knew she was not invisible and upon closer examination of the room the colour of her dress betrayed her and was very obvious to the naked eye.

Robbs eyes scanned the tent and at first he could not notice Amelia and the his first thought was that she had left and ran to her traitorous family, but as he looked again he saw the princess in the corner of the tent curled into a tight ball with her eyes screwed up closed shut. Robb coughed loudly and Amelia's eyes shot up to the figure in the middle of the tent demanding attention she felt that she should stand up and make her presences clearly known. As Amelia rose from her seating position she curtsied to the lord and then kept her eyes to the ground. "I thought that you should become aware of the battle that we will be fighting tomorrow against the Lannister's. Know that they have taken my father they will have no mercy and I will have my sisters back." Robb could see the uncertainty in her eyes and then grabbed her chin to be able to look into her eyes. "Know change, dinner is about to be served and your presence is needed." Amelia nodded and went to turn away from Robb to find something appropriate to wear.

As Amelia turned around she had expected Robb to have left the tent but he was still there in the middle looking at Amelia with lust in his eyes. "Is there anything else my lord?" Amelia looked the lord in the eye this time showing that she would not back down from his glare. Robb simply shook his head and Amelia turned away as she tried to unlace that back of her dress but found she was struggling to do so. Amelia found that she was about to call out to her ladies but she felt warm hands touched the back of her dressed and she shivered at the touch. Robb face became by the side of her ear as he whispers that he would untie her laces at the back of her dress to help her. As he started to unlace the dress once he got to the last one he let the dress then fall and Amelia stood there in the nude in front of Robb as she suddenly felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable and as she looked up at him he smiled warmly at the princess.

Robb placed his hands upon Amelia's hips and looked at her and the body in which she had and stared at it intently wanting to ingrain it in his mind forever. However the idea of the war council and what they have decided to do to her means that the worst is yet to come and although she has his heart she cannot keep it forever. The war council had decided her fate, but Robbs eyes fell to Amelia and he laughed. "I would be seeing you like this more and more once we are married so don't be ashamed." With that Robb left the tent and Amelia tried to act like nothing happened.


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