Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Amelia sat in the small carriage but with the earlier events it started to feel small and stuffy. She clasped the letter within her hand but refused to open it for knowing the contents could lead to the downfall of her small exciting relationship with the acting Lord of Winterfell her mind tossed and turned as she contemplated on what was inside the letter that made Robb so angry. She never expected such anger towards her or the thought of her running away and why it had crossed his mind. She had been brought up to be dutiful wife not matter who you married and who gained from it. She had always had a fairy tale ending in her head she was young and naïve but she hoped that a man would love her and never hurt her.

Amelia never knew you could be hurt in more ways than emotional pain that was the only pain she had ever felt.

As Amelia's fingers rubbed over the broken seal of the king she sighed. She missed him, she missed everyone. But she knew that there was no changing what had happened and the deal that was struck. Lannister/Baratheon's were married for the money they held. Not love. She had learned that watching other people's marriages and swore she would never condemn herself to that life. But here she was with a betrothed who now hated her for something that her family had done.

Amelia looked at the people around her they looked tired and worn. They had clearly not been sleeping well and the carriage was their only time for a small amount of peace before everything turned back to normal. Amelia's hands trembled fiercely and she wanted to let out a small sob, but she knew that people would hear and look down upon her. Amelia wanted to make sure that no one was watching her as she opened the letter and started to read its contents. She paused several times. Before starting from the beginning and reading it over and over again. She decided on the 7th time of reading it. It would be her last. As her eyes scanned back to the top of the letter she started to read again.

My little lioness.
I wonder how they are treating you and if they are treating you well. Kings landing is suffering greatly without their princess to show them kindness and happiness that they struggle to live through in their pits they call home. I have had many people in court ask about you and your health. I have told them that you are doing well (as to be expected).

Mother says that you should be Near to Winterfell now if the journey has been good and the weather has not delayed you. She also mentioned that you stayed at Riverrun for a few days... Was this an expected part of the journey I was told that you were going straight there and I don't like change of plans. I hope that you are being dutiful to your betrothed and you have not angered him

Your betrothed's father refuses to bend the knee and swear loyalty to me and the crown. We have had no choice but to deem him a traitor and he has been in the cells slowly rotting until we find a use for him. My darling little betrothed begged for her father's mercy and mother says to send him to the wall. But there are so many options to explore. I hope that you understand that there are many reasons behind this- as you are the first to know outside of the capital.

Your betrothed has to swear fealty to me.

My bed has become cold and unwanting now that you are not here. Waking up with the sheets cold and not seeing you is something that my nightmares haunted me with and now I am living through them. I miss waking up and sharing meals with you are you coming to court with me in the morning and we go riding in the afternoon.

Be good. I don't want you causing trouble that I will have to deal with- I have enough to deal with as king without dealing with your antics. Don't bring shame to the Lannister name.

Your forever loving brother.
Joffrey Baratheon.

Amelia wanted to scream she wanted to tell Joffrey that he was stupid for taking Ned Stark prisoner for lying to Kings Landing and telling them that entire she was happy. She wanted to take the nearest exit possible and walk for miles and miles until she ended up somewhere where she could just be Amelia without the pressures of having to be perfect always upon her. Maybe Amelia was simply stupid for always wishing for a happy ending because you are always hurt in the end, someone always has the upper hand over you and they make you fall.

As the long journey continued she could hear small and harmless chatter from her ladies and a knight of lord Starks choosing sitting with her in the carriage; but Amelia wasn't paying a any attention as she looked at the forever lasting trees and the constant sound of horse that was starting to haunt her. Amelia didn't know what to say to anyone, she felt like she had become a commoner in her own right that even thousands of miles away Joffrey had belittled her to still feeling ashamed to look at people for the crimes that he had committed. As the lords laughed at small and pitiful things, Amelia simply wished that home wasn't so far away.

As a shout was heard the carriage drew to a halt and the party suddenly stood still, the knight that was with her got out of the carriage and told Amelia wait there until further notice. Amelia simply nodded as she lent her head against the side of the carriage in hope that she would slowly drift off to sleep and everything would be resolved. But that was not to be the case. Lord Robb walked over to the carriage and opened the door as Amelia's ladies quickly turned and started to giggle lightly at the lord. Amelia paid no attention to the man who had opened the door expecting it to be the knight that had left to tell them what had happened, Amelia was slowly getting bored of waiting but didn't say anything with the fear of being disrespectful to the man who had captured the ladies attention.

Robb coughed awkwardly before asking the ladies if they could prepare Amelia to ride for the rest of the journey. At the sound of Robbs voice amelia suddenly felt uncomfortable, she didn't want to talk to him after reading the letter. Let alone ride a horse which she was so desperate to do, but with half of his men probably knowing what her brother had done it filled her with th up most fear. As the ladies nodded at Robb he bowed his head and smilled slightly at them only to be caught off guard by amelia "I do not wish to ride, my Lord."

Robbs facial expressions turned puzzled and confused. He had given her the opportunity to ride and she had tunred him down yet again. The party had decided that they were taking a break tonight to talk about Robbs father and what they had to do to get him back to Winterfell with any means necessary on how to get him back being used. Therefore Robb had come to the conclusion that they probably wouldn't be going home anytime soon as the King wanted Robb to lick his arse and swear to him after what he did to his father. Robb looked at Amelia and quickly snapped out of his in head battle. "I don't remember saying you had a choice, we need to talk." With that robb slowly saunter back to his men and waited for his betrothed to be ready to ride until the sun's rays fell out of the sky.

Robb saw the small amount of fear in Amelia's eyes as he walked away. The fear in which he installed into her. Robb thought that maybe that was good to have a fear put into a Lannister, but he knew that it was wrong and he needed to change what he had done. Robb was never supposed to hurt her and install fear into her, when he was angry his emotions took over and he wasn't himself, he became the wolf that he was.


I am thinking about writing a Christian Grey book about him finding his biological sister would anyone read it or is it a bad idea...?

Also I have started to write a book called Gale Hawthorne's sister please go and give it a read. 

Thank you very much for your continuous support and votes.

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