Love Potion

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One thing you and your boyfriend had in common: definitely a sweet tooth. So imagine your excitement when one of your favorite pastry shops announces their new recipe! A couple's recipe nonetheless~ 

You bought the so-called "Lovers' Cookies" the minute you heard about them, and you couldn't wait to share them with your beau. Oooh, Ciel would just love it~! You were so excited to see his reaction, this place's baked goods were always so... well, good! 

The cookies were advertised to "bring loved ones closer together" and to make couples "more in love than ever" which you thought was cute sentimental-wise, but for it to actually be true, these would have to be some damn delicious cookies. You were told to consume them within one hour for the best effect, and you'd be damned if the reason you missed out on a lil' taste of heaven was because you wAiTeD ToO loNG. 

As soon as you arrived at the manor, you went to Ciel's study. It was about tea time anyway, so this worked out perfectly! 

You told Ciel about the Lovers' Cookies and were about to put his cookie on his saucer when Sebastian stepped in front of you. 

"I sincerely apologize, My Lady, but the young lord has already had a slice of cake with his tea." He bowed. 

"Sebastian, you're being absurd, a small cookie won't hurt anyth-" Ciel tried to overrule Sebastian's authority, but the butler remained firm. 

"I'm sorry, my Lord, but I cannot allow you to spoil your dinner by having another dessert." 

"Oh come on, Sebastian! It's just one! Besides, they have to be eaten within the hour or else they're no good!" You pleaded. 

He smiled down at you apologetically, but his decision was set, "Well then, you should enjoy your cookies, my Lady. Don't let them go to waste. The young lord will be sure to partake with you another time."  

You and Ciel both wore frowns, and defeated, you returned to your room to enjoy the two cookies. 

Unbeknownst to you, the claims about the cookies causing loved one's to be "more in love than ever" wasn't just a marketing ploy. Rather, one of the more prominent ingredients was indeed a love potion... and you just received a second dose. 

The cookies were delicious, and it made you more excited to try them next time with Ciel. Hmm, Ciel... Ciel, Ciel, Ciel, you kind of missed him. 

You knew he was working, so you tried to disregard the thought. 

About 20 minutes after eating, you started feeling a little woozy, almost akin to tipsy. Ciel kept entering your thoughts, and as much as you wanted to give the boy his space, your aching desire for him soon became too much. 

It started off simple. You couldn't stop thinking about him, so you had to see him. Once you saw him—sticking to your desk's side of the study—you noticed how everything he did was just so bloody adorable. He looked intently at his papers—cute. He moved his bangs out of his face—cute! He set his pen down and sighed—cute, he was like a little bunny! Every little thing he did was just perfect... endearing in every way, and so utterly him. It made you feel like you were falling in love with him all over again. 

And then seeing him wasn't enough. You had to touch him. You offered to help him work, and he begrudgingly accepted. You stood behind him, either leaning against his side, hanging on his shoulders, or twirling a lock of his hair while contributing in any way you could. 

It still wasn't enough. You started touching him any chance you received. He needed another pen? Here it is! Let me open your palm so I can set it in there, nice and snug. You're getting tired? Let me play with your hair so that you stay awake! Give it a yank every once in a while, keep you on your toes~ 

You didn't know what was wrong with you, but your passion for him felt insatiable. And then touching him wasn't enough, you had to taste him. 

You weren't really thinking. He was working, and he was saying something. You didn't hear what, you just saw his lips moving, and bloody hell did they look delicious. You didn't realize it happened until it was over. 

From Ciel's side, he was talking to you about the company's expenses, when out of nowhere, you sat on his lap and kissed him—vigorously. You stopped after a few seconds, but Ciel's shock rendered him unable to reciprocate. It was like a jump scare, where the hell did that come from? 

When you parted, even you looked surprised, like you hadn't expected that either. 

It finally registered in your mind what you did, but you couldn't think about it too hard because your brain was screaming at you to do it again. 

And so you did. Ciel returned it this time, and by now, he's definitely noticed how needy you seem to be. Normally, he would have still rejected you in order to do his work, but this... well he didn't know what this was, and so he decided it was best not to interfere with it. 

Ciel was admittedly a little overwhelmed by both your desire to practically eat him and by your change in demeanor, but he went along with it nonetheless. After a short while, you both part from your make out session to catch your respective breaths. It wasn't until now that you noticed how you were messing up his hair. Cute. 


You darted toward his lips again and kissed him with the same vigor, same passion, same need—aaaaand you ended up toppling Ciel's desk chair over. 

You both fell on the floor and rolled out of the chair from the sheer force of your lunge. Once the rolling momentum died down, Ciel happened to be on top of you. 

You didn't intend for this to happen. You were about to apologize profusely and put his chair back up when Ciel kissed you again instead. He made the first move this time, and that probably surprised you the most. You certainly weren't complaining though. 

Ciel always liked to be in control, so if you two were going to be making out anyway, he might as well be the one in charge. 

It took a while for the love potion to finally wear off, but let's just say you weren't in a rush. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz