You without him

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            Lately you have been doing much more work than usual, and you were more on a schedule. You've ended up opening more contracts with people and going over to business men's manor's to discuss an offer you had. You also began doing a lot of your work ahead of time, as in months or years ahead.  

    To the average person it might seem like your break-up was good for you, and made you work more and become more successful, however, that was not the case. You were doing more work, to get your mind off of Ciel, and to just feel productive. 

     Doing this mass amount of work was to take your mind off of the pain, and you were no doubtingly doing to much of it. 

    You passed out a few times, and had to take a break, only to feel horrible again because you missed Ciel. A main reason you were making contracts with all these people was because connecting your companies would result in a lot of paperwork; which you were running out of. So in the end, the contracts, were just another method to make you more busy. 

     Today you ended up being sick because you overworked yourself. You were in bed, trying to read a book, but to no avail. The book became boring to you as the illness made concentrating on the words give you a headache. 

    You set the book down as you gazed up at the ceiling...ceiling...CIELing...Ciel...goddammit. 

     You groaned as the blue-nette entered your mind again. Why was this so hard? He cheated on you, you both broke up, the end! What more was there to think about? Other then the betrayal, the time you spent together now feels like a lie, you felt love and now you feel it gone, and the fact you still love him... a slam was suddenly heard as you realized you picked up the book you were reading and threw it against the wall. 

    You're face was contorted into anger at the fact you were thinking about this. You let out a shallow sigh as you cast your gaze down to your lap. 'Come on (Y/N)... Ciel already moved on, why can't you?' 

     You heard footsteps nearing you as your door opened. 

    "My lady, are you alright, what was that loud noise!?" One of your maids asked in a panic. 

     "I'm fine, I just overreacted is all," You replied as you turned on your side and laid back down. 

    "I see," She answered calmly, "Would you like me to go get you some tea? It might help soothe you," 

    "Yes, please." You answered. 

     And with that, she left to go fetch you some tea. 

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