You betray him

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     You felt such guilt for doing this to Ciel, but the temptation was too much. The way he felt, the way he moved, the way he looked... you couldn't help but to give in. Luckily, once you gave into your desire, your excitement seemed to make the guilt wash away, making it even less than a forgotten memory. 

    Besides, it's not like Ciel would find out about this anyway; it was just going to be a tiny secret. Nothing too major... 

   ~Ciel's P.O.V~ 

      I completed my work sooner than I expected. The cause of which was probably because my daily annoyance had been missing; where was (Y/N)? 

    The library was my first guess, my second was her room, and lastly, with the servants, however, all were wrong. I didn't hear anything of her leaving the mansion to go somewhere... but still, did she go out into town? Shopping, lunch, the park? No, all highly unlikely... 

      Whilst standing in the garden as Finny worked in the background, another question came to mind: where was Sebastian? I would assume he's cleaning the house or attending to dinner preparations, however, during my search for (Y/N), I had failed to see him. Were they together? Could he have honestly finished all of his duties this fast or was he simply slacking?!

   Perhaps they were both in a dark, black void that was separate from our world because I don't know where the bloody hell else they would be! Searching all over the manor for (Y/N) and then suddenly noticing Sebastian's disappearance definitely put me in a sour mood. 

   Were they possibly in the servant corridors? Sebastian's room? Odd but plausible. It wouldn't hurt to check... 


     Upon entry, my question had been answered and my mood only got more sour. "What the hell is going on here!?" 

   ~2nd P.O.V~ 

     The loud voice that boomed from the doorway was unmistakable, it was Ciel's. The sudden noise caused your hands to jerk away from the satisfyingly soft fur that adorned the fluffy creature as a feeling of fear swallowed you whole. 

   Petrified, you and Sebastian were practically statues. Fury was evident in Ciel's voice as he observed the cat infested room, however, his intimidating aura soon vanished as he gave out a soft kitten-like sneeze. 

    "Why are there cats in this manor?!" 

      "What are you talking about Ciel? There're no cats in here." 

     "You're holding one right-" He was cut off by another sneeze, "now!" 

     "These aren't cats, they're... pygmy tigers?" 

      "Tigers are still cats." He stated, carefully stepping out of the room after noticing an approaching black cat. 

      You released a sigh before caving in, no use denying the obvious truth. "Sorry Ciel, but they were just too adorable!" You squealed, cuddling the one in your lap. 

  "You know I'm allergic! Get them out of here immediately!" Before the cat could get any closer to him, he excused himself from the premises. Within the hour, you and Sebastian reluctantly gave your farewells to the felines before releasing them back into the wild. 

   You regretted nothing. 

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