Modern AU Pt. 4

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"...No, I'm not." Ciel quietly replied, calculative. You pulled a fast one on him. He... wasn't sure how to feel about that. Admiration? Challenged? There's been some real idiots that he's been forced to work group projects with, but maybe you wouldn't be nearly as unbearable as they were...


Another day. 

"We need a break!" You announced, denouncing your pen and pencil and shoving away your lab notebook. Your lab partner looked over to you like you were crazy.

"No, we don't." Ciel monotonously diffused. 

"What is it with you being against breaks? We've been working hard for 90 minutes, we deserve to take a short breather!" You argued. He began to talk again—probably complaining about how hardly any work has been done—but you didn't want to hear it. "How about a chess break? There's a board right over there?"

Ciel raised his eyebrow at you—his expression a mix between skeptical and "really?" 

"What?" You asked defensively, "I see you creepily watching the chess club from time to time. You like it, don't you?"

He stayed silent for a few seconds. Either contemplating whether or not to play or contemplating how to acquiesce. "Fine, one game."


"You're a hard one to beat, you know that Señor Phantomhive?" You teased. You lost the first game. You were expecting to—you didn't know that much about chess—but still, your loss was embarrassing.

"I prefer Monsieur Phantomhive." He teased back. 

"Ooh, French. How about I call you mon Phantomhive?" 

Ciel blanked at that remark—both taken aback and in denial. Were you flirting?

"Another round?" You quickly say, interrupting his train of thought and calmly setting the chess board back up again before he had a chance to protest. 


It's little events like that that keep happening. Small arguments, playful bickering, borderline flirting on your end. It eventually gets to the point where enough is enough and the almost-close-but-never-touching reaches its limit.

You're in the library again like always. You're complaining about something, and he thinks it's about your Spanish class, but he wasn't too focused.

"Why do I keep forgetting what dormir is!? It's one word, it's not that hard..." You self-criticized.

"It means to sleep." Ciel answered, nose in his own textbooks.

"Wait, how do you know that? You're not taking Spanish."

"It's the same in French. It means to sleep."

"Oh... you know, I'm getting tired of you being such a know-it-all." You playfully huffed, leaning closer and nudging his shoulder.

"Then maybe you should know more." He retorted, eyes still on his own material, not paying you any mind.

"Maybe you should teach me..." You said. This time he looked at you, but skeptically so.


"I said, maybe you shouldn't be so mean." You backtracked confidently. "You know, Elizabeth's lab partner is nice. He never insults her."

"He's also an idiot."

"Hey! That's mean, he's cute."

"Cute doesn't mean smart." He replied, smugly, "I mean, take you for example."

You went silent. Ciel would always return your passive aggressive comments or arguments, but he didn't really return your flirting. "Are you saying I'm cute?" You asked, leaning forward, a smile tugging on your lips. 

He suddenly looked uneasy, "I said you're dumb."

"But you said being cute doesn't mean you're smart, which means you called me cute." You smiled leaning closer, your voice quieting.

"I insulted you," He answered.

"Well it feels more like a compliment. Don't worry, I'm sure this isn't the first time you've failed at something."

"You're trying to irritate me." He noted.

"Maybe I am. It's fun to get a rise out of you." You kept leaning in with every comment, and it seemed like Ciel was unknowingly doing so as well.

"Is it?" He asked. You weren't aware of how close you two had gotten, how harsh your staring contest became.

"It is." You confirmed.

 And suddenly his lips were on yours.

You may have been bickering before, but the kiss wasn't a replacement for the arguing. It wasn't rough, fighting, or challenging. It was just a kiss. Sweet, longing, kinda sloppy. But it was the pent up crush and romantic tension that had been swirling around you two for the past few months at least. The tension both of you were too stubborn and too proud to say anything about.

And now that tension was dissolved.

Ciel broke the kiss awkwardly. Everything was awkward actually. What do you do now? Both of you were too proud to ask the question outright.

"...Monsieur Phantomhive, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm starting to think you might have a crush on me." You whispered. Ciel's face dropped, annoyance and unamusement clear on his face. You couldn't help but laugh.

"It's almost 5, so I need to go. The library's gonna close." He said instead.


He began to pack up his bags, and you did the same. You already knew you were gonna meet here again tomorrow: same spot, same time. You both walked to the library door together as you always did, and right as you were about to part ways, you grabbed Ciel's wrist. He turned to face you curiously, and when you approached him on your tip toes leaning in 90% for another kiss, he met you 10% of the way.

And that was enough. That goodbye kiss solidified your relationship, bringing you from those-two-friends-that-accidentally-kissed-that-one-time to those-friends-that-are-now-dating. 

You called him your boyfriend afterwards, and he returned the sentiment, all because neither of you had the courage to actually ask the other one out. But this was good enough.

Yeah, this was good. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang