You both take a vacation

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       You were very surprised to find out that Ciel actually knew what a vacation was. Even more so surprised that he was going to be taking one. Willingly. 

    Not only willingly, but it was his idea. As far as you knew, the purpose of this vacation wasn't even to follow the Queen's orders, investigate something odd, do something for his company, or to keep up with appearances! He wasn't even bringing his paperwork! 

    It was going to be a genuine vacation...

       For said vacation, it was going to be just you, Ciel, and Sebastian. Ciel had put strong emphasis on leaving the servants at the manor; of course, with all the destruction they've caused over the years, that's not much of a surprise. 

  Needless to say, you were more than ecstatic. 

     Apparently, you both were going to be out of town and would be staying at a fancy hotel. You had actually heard of the town before. Supposedly, it had beautiful scenery and not many people. 

    Ideal for Ciel. 

       The ride there was pretty long, around 3 hours. You had originally brought quite a few books to read for the ride, but to your dismay, you had accidentally packed them, meaning they were now tightly strapped onto the top of the carriage. 

     There was, however, one book that you didn't pack, but it wasn't one of the longer ones... 

      In the end, you had to settle for knitting during the ride since Ciel didn't seem too eager to strike up a conversation. Knitting was a practice that you had started recently; you were a bit curious as to how people could make sweaters with just 2 needles and a ball of yarn. 

    So after you finished your book, you took out 2 needles and a ball of yarn, and confused the hell out of your boyfriend! 

  Unfortunately, by the end of the ride, your neat ball of yarn just turned into a messy ball of yarn... 

     On the bright side, Ciel seemed to be decently entertained with your failure and confusion. 

       When you finally arrived at the hotel, Sebastian escorted both you and Ciel out of the carriage before attending to the luggages. 

     "Wow, this is really beautiful~" You commented. The air was extremely fresh and the flowers were in bloom. There was a sky of baby blue with pure puffs of white, and grass and trees that looked well taken care of. 

      After you were done admiring the place, you and Ciel headed to the receptionist desk to sign in. 

   "A reservation for Phantomhive." Ciel said. By the looks of it, the hotel was family run. 

     "Mr. and Mrs. Phantomhive? Alright, your room will be 308." The lady answered, handing you the room key. 

    At this moment, your face was aflame. For some reason, you always seemed to get flustered when the idea of you and Ciel marrying came up; lord knows the journalists love that topic. 

        Ciel on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed. 

       Part of you wanted to correct her, but another part told you that it was fine. I mean, (Y/N) Phantomhive does have a nice ring to it~. 

     After being handed the key, you both headed toward your room. 

      You had to admit, a room with two large beds, a coffee table, a balcony, and a lovely dresser wasn't too shabby!  

     "Where will Sebastian be staying?" You asked. There were only two beds, was Ciel honestly going to make him sleep on the floor? 

     "He has his own room." Ciel answered, "I was going to ask for a separate room for you as well, but the rest of the high-end rooms are apparently being renovated." 

      "Oh," You murmured, "Well, I'm glad we get to share a room! It'd probably be really boring if I had my own, but was all by myself!" You smiled. 

     "I find that hard to believe knowing that you brought your personal library along." Ciel replied. 


      The first day of your vacation wasn't very eventful, it was mainly just getting to your hotel and then resting. 

    The second day was nice. It was a relaxing day where either you and Ciel played chess together or he would do something with cards (like try to build a tower with them) while you read. He gained victory for most of the chess games. 

       The third day was a miracle. You somehow convinced him to go swimming with you. He didn't seem to care much for playing in the water and for the most part just soaked, but it was still fun. It was something. (Except for the time when you splashed him with water so much he threatened to get out.)

     The fourth day, you both explored the town. You went window-shopping, took a look at the restaurants and parks, and looked into a certain chocolate shop. When you were done, you both decided to enjoy the scenery and tranquility of the area from within the hot spring. 

    The fifth day, however, you were both completely lazy. You both stayed in bed for practically the entire day. You weren't in your bed, but you were in a bed. 

      It was a breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, snack in bed, junk food in bed, dinner in bed, sweets in bed, and reading in bed kind of day. 

   Despite not really doing anything, that day was your favorite. Ciel would occasionally drift off, taking small cat-naps, allowing you to touch his soft hair or even remove his eye patch without him noticing. When he fell asleep, it allowed you to just admire him in general. 

    Honestly, you liked looking at him. 

     His smooth pale skin resembled a constant stream of cream that was lightly brushed by his dark blue, gem-like, hair. 

   The way his hair fell down his face and the way it was sprawled out on the pillow couldn't be anymore perfect. His eyes, although closed, were a lovely royal blue; a unique colour that you would rarely see on an average day, causing you to instantly think of him the moment you saw anything with the same colour.

       Despite all the horrible things Ciel's gone through and has had to endure, -all the things that have washed away his innocence so roughly that all that was left was a course understanding of the world- when he was asleep, he appeared as if he had never experienced the slightest bit of hardships. A lovely face of innocence. How you just wanted to hug this poor boy... but you knew that if you did, he would wake up. Things wouldn't be so pleasant then. 

    Honestly, you wanted this day -this vacation- to last forever so that you could both be relaxed and Ciel would be busy with you rather than his work. 

     Occasionally, you would also notice a light dust of red on Ciel's cheeks when he was asleep; it made him look so utterly adorable. 

    The sixth day, you both went to a fair the town was holding. Cotton candy and lollipops were eaten that day, and you even bribed Ciel with sweets to go on the rides. 

   You had to leave the 7th day. The vacation was short (like Ciel), but it was still very fun and it was the most amount of time you've ever spent with Ciel in a week. 

      You were almost tempted to sabotage the ride back... 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin