Your memory returns

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A few weeks have since passed following your incident. You hoped the familiarity of your mansion would help restore some of your memories, but you were only disappointed. Even if your days seemed to be dull and monotonous, it still felt like something was missing for you to not remember the past three or so years.

 Your servants didn't help much. In fact, it seemed like they barely knew you. Surely you would've been more than strangers if it was just you living in this huge place for years.

You supposed a master-servant relationship was to be strictly business...

As foreign as everything seemed to you, you were surprised to find that your memories were lost but your mind was still there. You knew some French; you didn't before. You also started in on some of the paperwork for your father's business, and immediately, it felt like you'd been doing it your whole life. 

You knew exactly what to do, how to do it, and you could almost sense the relationship you had with the neighboring companies. Carmen's Incorporated was a close ally, and McConnel's Factory was a disgrace that should stop contacting you immediately. It was interesting how you knew those things already. Both interesting and terrifying.

You were thankful for that though. One of your biggest concerns once you returned home was that you were going to run your father's business into the ground. 


You used that to describe your mansion. It doesn't feel like a home anymore, though...

Like you said, you can sense your previous attitudes toward current things... So why does this place feel so unfamiliar.

It wasn't unfamiliar. You recognized everything; this was the house you grew up in. If anything, this was quite literally the most familiar thing. It was the place you were throughout all your remaining memories. 

Maybe it's because your parents weren't here... Maybe that's why it no longer felt like a home.

But then again, you hadn't thought about them in a while. It's like you told the Phantomhive butler, it somehow already felt like they were a distant memory.

The days went on, and you felt your emptiness more and more—like something was missing. Well, no duh, Sherlock, your memories—but something else too. Or the feeling that something was wrong.

And then the fifth week, you started to get tiny glimpses of the past. It scared you the first time. It was like a flashback where you were in the moment, and you couldn't even see your actual surroundings.

"We should have a tea break!"

That's all you could remember from it. At the time, you saw everything, but it was like the memory made itself hidden once more. You don't know who you said that too or why, but you remembered it was your voice.

The next day, you had another memory, but instead of being in flashback form, it was like a daydream. You remembered the moments, and it played out before you like a moving picture.

You were with some individuals named Finnian and Baldroy—two blond men—both seemingly in a lower class than yourself. You wondered why you were talking with them. Were they friends? Previous people that worked for you?

No... You saw Finnian in a garden at one point, and it certainly wasn't yours.

You had a few more memories about the Earl of Phantomhive, but they were far less friendly. Him often annoyed at you, and you often being a bother. You found it somewhat humorous actually. You began to wonder if your younger self developed a little crush on the Lord during your stay.

A few more memories of the butler too, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Strange, though, how none of the memories you were regaining took place in your own home.

...That word again. 

Maybe that's why this place felt odd. Maybe you became friends with other lords and you spent time at their manors. You almost wondered if Lord Phantomhive was one of them, but surely he would have acted more friendly if that was the case, not just like a good Samaritan. 

More memories resurfaced bit by bit, and it ranged from obscure events like stealing Lord Phantomhive's cake to menial ones like almost knocking over a vase in the hallway. You began to truly wonder what happened within the past few years to make everything right now feel so wrong...

But then something happened. 

On the first day of the 6th week, you awoke. 

And from the moment you were conscious, 

you realized that all your forgotten memories were suddenly there... 

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