He tells you about his contract

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        Lately, Grell has been 'visiting' much more frequently. As unfortunate as it is in general, I'm getting slightly worried (Y/N) might be catching onto my secret because of him. I was able to keep it from Elizabeth when we were betrothed, but (Y/N) living with me makes it somewhat harder. 

      The servants never really questioned Sebastian's abilities because they were all odd in one way or another too, keeping the fact he's a demon, secret from them wasn't hard. Now that Grell is here, he practically yells his species out every few seconds! It might start to raise questions from (Y/N) and more importantly, interrupts my work! 

        No matter how many times I tell Sebastian to throw him out, Grell keeps coming back. 

       (Y/N) knew the servants were skilled so, no questions. Sebastian's power, he wasn't witnessed very often; no questions. Reaper constantly displaying powers in the mansion; possibly questions. Reaper screaming about supernatural things; questions. 

       Eventually, I gave in. Grell would soon be out of the way for, according to him, his work was slow this week; but I don't want the risk that during the rest of the week, (Y/N) will find out the truth because of his blabbering. I would rather her hear it from me than that incompetent reaper. 

        So, I had asked her to visit me in my study and was now simply awaiting her arrival. I could hear the tapping of her shoes against the floor now; she would enter at any second.  

      "Ciel!" She cheered, walking into the room. "Why did you want me here?" 

        "I had something to discuss with you." She sat down in a chair. 

         "What is it?" 

        "It's about Sebastian." I state simply, "I've had a secret that I've shared with very few people. Let's simply say, the people that I've told... well; Dead man tell no tales. I've already shared some of my past with you, but the truth is, I altered it severely." I paused. Simply explaining it already made memories return. 

      "It was much more dreadful. More dreadful than you could imagine...So much that, when I found my way out; I lost something. I sacrificed something. I sold something. I sold it to a demon; ...I sold my soul. Sebastian is now bound to me by a contract; he will do my every order, until the day our contract is fulfilled; the day I die. My soul will then be devoured by him. That is the path I have chosen." 

      "..." She was silent for a few seconds. "...What... what's going to fulfill the... contract...?" Surprisingly, she believed me despite the fact my words sound completely false. 

        "Murdering my parents' murderers. The people that made my life hell from that point on." I answered. 

       "And then... you'll... die?" She spoke the word very cautiously. I no longer had any words to speak so I nodded. 

      "Now...let's talk about Grell." I stated. I meant to explain the reaper topic and the connections to Sebastian within, but I ended up talking about that for a few minutes before it turned into me just complaining. 

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