Today's the Day

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(Maya's POV*)

Today's the day. The SVU detectives are coming to my school for a presentation. I roll out of bed and get dressed. I put on blue skinney jeans, a grey and blue under amour shirt, and my blue roshe runs. i went downstairs to see my peice of shit, drunk father asleep on the couch. I put a poptart in my backpack and decided not to wake my father up, because i know he won't be happy.

I walk to school and end up being 25 minutes early. I went to my locker and put my jacket and backpack in it. I took my math and english notebook, and also my gym clothes with me. I went to my homeroom class.

When i walked in, i slowly turned around and tried to walk out because I saw three people in the room setting up the presentation. "Oh, you can stay in here if you want." A blonde woman said.

"Oh, sorry, I got here a little early." I said.

"About 25 minutes early." One of the men named Nick Amaro said.

"Yea." I laughed.

"Well while you're here, you mind helping?" The other man named Carisi asked.

"Not at all." I said as i put my stuff at my desk.

"Okay, just hold this purple thing down." he said as i did. As i put my hand on it, my sleeves rolled up about three inches. I quickly rolled them back down because Carisi saw the bruises that my father had given me.

"Whoa, what happened there?" He asked.

"My basketball game the other night." I lied. I could tell he knew i was lieing but he went along with it.

"You play basketball?" Nick asked.

"Yea, for the town, the school, and unified (which means for kids with disabilities,), i help out." I replied not lieing.

"Cool, maybe i can show you a couple of my moves later on in gym class." Carisi said as he rolled a piece of paper up and shot it towards the trash but missed.

"Good job." i said sarcastically.

"thanks, it is all in the flick of the...." then he realized he missed. "oh, my aims off today." he said.

"not just today." Rollins marked him.

"oh, shut up." he laughed.

I went and sat in my seat as they continued to set up.


Checked my phone, it was my dad calling. i declined.

"Who was that?" Rollins asked.

"Oh nobody." I replied.

It rang again. "you can get that. we won't tell the teacher." She said.

"Okay, thanks." i replied and answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where the fuck are you?" My father screeched. My phone was so loud all the detectives heard him. I turned my phone down.

"I'm at school. It's Monday dad." i replied.

"Next time tell me you fucking bitch!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, okay. i'll see you after school." I hung up.

"Who was that?" Nick asked as they all were focused on me.

"My dad. He is drunk." I said.

"Okay." He said as they all continued to finish up. Then all of my classmates came in. My friends Marygrace and Gabby sat down next to me.

"Quiet down class, we have a special presentation today." My teacher Mrs. clinton said as she introduced all the detectives. "These are detectives Carisi, Rollins, Benson, Tutuola, and Amaro. Sargent Munch and captain Cragain. Show them all respect."

"Hello students, we are SVU detectives. SVU stands for special victims unit. We specialize in abuse, domestic violence, assualt and sexual assault." Detective Benson said.

"If anybody ever touches you inapropriatly or violently, you need to tell someone." Rollins said.

"Yea, and even somebody you trust can touch you. Parents, neighbors, family, friends, teachers, or even total strangers. And they don't deserve to get away with it." Carisi said. I feel like he is talking just to me. I can feel my face turning red. I stared at the board. From the corner of my eye, i could feel Carisi looking at me. He was on to me. He knew something was going on with me. I quickly calmed down and my face returned to it's usual color.

I sat silently as they continued the presentation. Then the bell rang and it was time for gym class.

I grabbed my gym clothes and was about to leave the classroom when Detective Tutuola stopped me.

"Can you show us where the gym is?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied. "You guys participating in gym?" I asked as they all followed me.

"Yes, some of us are playing basketball with the students." Rollins said. "Do you have gym now?"

"Yea." I said as i held up my gym cloths bag.

"Ya! i can show you a few of my moves." Carisi said from behind me. i laughed and continued to show them the way.

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