Sitting Ducks

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(Fin's POV*)

I ordered pizza for the squad and I. The man in a red shirt that had a crappy pizza logo on it arrived and stood there, while i went to grab money from the other room.

I put a piece in my mouth because it smelt so good, i gabbed the money out of my jacket pocket and went to give him the money to him when he drew a gun.

I freezed and the Pizza fell out of my mouth onto the floor. I saw Munch get behind a desk with Maya. I dove behind the desk and drew my gun too.

I heard shots being fired and saw Maya with her hands over her ears. She was definately scared. I bent around the desk and fired my gun towards the man. I rolled to the other desk, but kept my gun on the man.

The shooting stopped and i heard Munch telling Maya not to move as the whole squad chased after the man.

We chased him down the stairs, then i realized he ran back up. We all chased after him. When I got up top and looked around the corner, I saw that the guy had picked Maya up and had his gun to her head.

The squad filled the room with their guns at him. "Put your gun down!" Carisi yelled.

"You first!" He yelled back. Maya was so scared she was shaking. I look into her eyes, which are focused on Olivia who is staring back at her. We all lowered our guns. He lowered his too.

I felt a light ounce of relief when he did. But then i heard a loud bang and realized that he had another gun to her back. "No!" nick yelled. I saw blood fly as the bullet went right through her thin stomach. My arms shot up and i shot the man dead center of his forehead.

He fell to the ground. Maya stared straight forward as if she couldn't fall. Carisi ran over to her and sweeped her off her feet and layed her down so that she wouldn't fall.

We all ran over to her. Carisi had his hand one her cheek telling her to stay with him as so did Munch.

Nick climbed over her and put a knee on each side of her. He pulled of his sweatshirt and rolled it up into a ball. He stared into Maya's eyes, almost like he was saying brace yourself.

He pressed the jacket hard onto the bullet hole. Her neck arched back and her eyes rolled back into her head and she gagged on what sounded like blood.

"Stay with me Maya." Carisi and Munch kept on repeating.

The EMT's arrived and got her into the ambulance. Carisi went with her. Munch, Nick and I drove to the hospital and met everybody else there. We waited in the waiting room. Just waiting there. We're a bunch of sitting ducks.

The doctors finally come in after 2 and a half hours. "She just got out of surgery. She is weak, and on medicine that makes her out of it. You can go in to see her." The doctor said.

Carisi, Nick, Munch, and I went to see her first. Her little body looked so fragile. She had a tube hooked up to her stomach and needles in her arms.

Munch sat next to her bed in a chair. Nick and I sat on the couch. Carisi stood by the door watching all the people pass by.

Nick and Munch started to fall asleep when Maya's eyes flickerd open. She stared at the ceiling for a second and the Carisi noticed her awake. He ran over towards her.

"Hi, how you feeling?" He asked. She just smiled and laughed a little.

"I don't feel a thing." She replied.

"She's on that laughing gas stuff." I laughed.

"Oh right." Carisi smiled. He sat at the bottom of the hospital bed and i pulled over a chair. Nick and Munch woke up, and we all started talking about recent funny cases and just stuff to make her laugh. It worked. She laughed at every word we said. It was adorable. After that we let her get some rest. Carisi told us to go home for the night and he will stay. And that is what we did.

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