The Precinct

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(Carisi's POV*)

Maya stared out the car window the whole time. We arrived at the precinct and i led her up the stairs as Nick parked the car. I brought her into the empty office.

"Wait here for a few minutes, okay?" I asked her.

"Okay." she nodded. I left her in the room sitting at the table and went to my desk. I remember that maya didn't get to eat her lunch so i pulled out a bag of chips and yogert from the fridge. I went back to the room to see her head inside her arms on the table and she was asleep.

She looks peaceful and cute. She must had been so tired. I feel so bad waking her up. I sat down in the chair across from her. I crossed my arms and legs and watched her sleep. Munch came walking in.

"Hey, so we need to have Maya answer a few questions." He said loudly. Maya jumped and her eyes shot open. She was so frightened.

"Shhh." I told john to late because Maya was already awake.

"Oh sorry." John apoligized.

"Here." I said giving her the yogert.

"Yea, eat that. You need some meat on those bones of yours." John laughed causing Maya to laugh too. "We need to ask you some questions." She nodded and John left the room.

Nick came into the room and sat next to me. "You annoyed with this guy yet?" He asked.

"No. You?" She asked which made me crack up with a laugh.

"A little." He laughed. "So what was your father's name?"

"Um, Raymond Thomas." She answered. Some how i recognize the name.

"Okay good," nick said writing it down. "do you have a mom?" he asked looking in her eye.

"Of course i do. We all have a mom. but mine just happened to walk out." She replied looking sad.

"Do you know her name?" Nick asked.

"yea, um, it's Jalen Thomas. Her maiden name was Mooch or Much or something like that." She replied innocently.

then the door swung open and hit the wall and made a loud banging sound.

"Jalean Munch?!?" Munch asked. Maya Jumped.

"Ah? Yea. I think so. Why?" Maya asked still nervous.

Munch turned around and punched a hole in a door. Captain Cragen came running in and tried to calm Munch down. "Because she's my niece."

Maya looked into Munch's eyes. He came over and knelt infront of her. "I think that makes you my great neice." He said.

"My grandfather Andrew is your brother?" she asked him.

"yup." he answerd nodding and standing up. He walked out of the room with Cragen.

"This sick son of a bitch Killed my niece and molested my great niece." i hear munch yell.

"we don't even know if she is yet. we will get blood tests and then you can freak out." Captain replied.

"yup. okay."  munch said.

Maya got up and before i could stop her she was standing next to Munch. She tapped on his shoulder. "She's dead?" She asked.

Munch bit his lip and stared at her. "We found her body three years ago. He never told you?" Munch replied.

She shook her head as a tear fell down her cheek. He wiped it and motioned her to sit in the chair next to his desk. She did and they just sat there and talked. He kept showing her pics and she kept smiling. This is the happeist i've seen her today.

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