She Hasn't Woke Up

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(Carisi's POV*)

Maya is sitting in that chair again. Crying. I am tied up in front of her. He has a bucket of acid over her legs and pours it on her lap. She screams in pain. I can't move or help her. I see blood on her lap as she sobs.

"You son of bitch!" I yell at him. "It'll be alright." I tell her over and over again, but really I don't know if it will be.

Her father puts a gun to her head and pulls the trigger. I watch as blood seeps out of her head.

"No!!" I start to sob too. Her limp body in front of me. He puts the gun to my head, but i don't care if he pulls the trigger. I hear a loud bang.

I gasp and sit up. I am laying on the couch of Maya's hospital room. I look over to see a note on her bed hanging over the side. It says 'We all went to get lunch. We will bring you back a donut and coffee. -the squad.'

It was Olivia's hand writing. I sat in the seat next to Maya's bed. We all thought that the doctor was going to say that she didn't make it when she came out of surgery. Thank god he didn't. I don't know what i would have done.

I gently lifted her good arm and held it in my hands. It was so tiny and fragile. I put my elbows on the bed and put her and my hands to my forehead. "Please maya, you need to stay here with me, with all of us. Wake up, It has been 2 and a half weeks." I whispered because we have been in the hospital with out her awake for 2 and a half weeks already.

"You are a fighter. Don't you give up. Please. I know you don't like foster care. Don't worry. Munch will take you in. If he doesn't, I will. Please. I'm sorry i wasn't there to help you." I added.

I thought i heard her say something, but she didn't. She was still asleep. I just nodded lightly and went back to the couch.

"How is she?" I heard a voice from the back of the room say. I turned around to see my sister sitting there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her confused.

"They're worried about you Dominick." She said.

"Why?" I asked with a joking smirk.

"You have been here the whole time. You talk to her everyday but she hasn't waken yet." She said.

"She will, she just isn't ready." I say looking at Maya's limp body.

"Dominick, listen to me, It is not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. But she might not wake up." She said.

I winced at what she just said. "how do you know i blame myself?" I asked.

"I know you Dominick. You are my brother...... And i just heard you, that was deep." She said causing me to smile.

"Thanks." I told her.

"That's what siblings are for. Right?" She asked. I nodded and laughed. The squad came back, and like they said in the note, they had a glazed donut and coffee for me.

"How is she?" Nick asked.

"She hasn't woke up yet." I replied. 

"Don't worry, she will." He said patting me on the back.

"I know, she is a fighter." I mumbled to myself. Now everyone came in and sat around Maya's body. She needs to wake up. And soon. I don't how much more i will be able to take of just sitting here.  

After we all ate and watched Maya's limp body do nothing for another 5 hours. Everybody left. Except me. I will be here until she wakes up or the pronounce her dead. Not that i want them to.

But when she does wake up, and if it is in the middle of the night, i want her to know that she has someone, that she is safe, and to relieve her of some heart-ache. I know i can't stop her pain, I wish I could, I would take all of it in a heart beat, But i will stop her heart from hurting, If it is the last thing I do.

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