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(Carisi's POV*)

That guy has some nerves. After watching that, and punching that window, Captain send me to take a walk. About 3 minutes into my walk, i turn a corner, and there a white van. This must be Michael's. I look in the window, and right in time for his phone to start ringing. I try to open the door, and surprisingly it is unlocked. 

I pick up his phone and answer it. I give a little "huh?" To make him know im here, but i don't want him to here my voice, so he cant tell its not his brother. I slowly shut the door, and start sprinting back to the precinct. 

"Where are you?" The guy on the other line answers. 

"The precinct." I say as little as possible.

"Are you okay? You sound different." The guy says, im pretty sure its Derrick.

"mmhmm." I groan making me sound like him, agreeing im okay. 

"Okay good, well hurry up, this little bitch stopped fighting me, its the best." I can hear his smile through the phone. I try my hardest to not scream through the phone. I reach the precinct and run up the stairs.

"Okay, ill be back soon." I say.

"Okay good." He pauses for a second. I reach the tech man, and pull the phone away from my ear.

"Trace this phone call." I whisper and he nods. He starts typing on his computer. 

"Carisi! I told you to take a walk!" Captain yells at me. I spin around quick and put my finger to my lips signaling him to be quite. He gives me a dirty look and walks over to me. I point to the phone and he nods and stands next to me.

"Michael are you sure that your okay?" Derrick asks.

"Yup, bye." I say because the Tech man points at the screen and nods saying the call. I hang up the phone and slam it on the desk.

"We got it! Let's go!" I say.

"Carisi? What was that?" Captain yells.

"I was walking and i found his Van, i looked in it, and the door was locked, the i saw his phone was ringing and i answered it, It was Derrick, and now we know where they are." I reply.

"Good, but there is a problem, they live 4 hours away." The tech guy says.

"Well then we need to hurry up a little." I say to captain.

"Come on!" He yells. "Everyone gather around!" He yells to the whole room. Everyone does and the whole squad looks up. "We need every armed person here to get into a patrol car and follow us to where we believe Maya is. We traced a phone call back to an abandoned building in Chicago. It was pinned to a tower next to it, so We believe Maya is in either that building or across the street from it. I will notify Chicago PD on our way down there." (Yes, Chicago pd members will be included in this.)

Amanda looks shocked but happy at the same time. 

We all run to our vehicles and put on the sirens, we start to speed down the street. Captain stays back to keep an eye on Michael. Amanda is in the passenger seat. She looks nervous. 

"We told Chicago PD to hold off on going in, because they most likely have traps set, and he is definitely armed." I tell her. She just nods.

"God i hope she is there." She says.

"I do too." I sigh. I hear the sound of a muffled engine in the back of us. I look in the rear view mirror, and see Munch driving, he may be old, but when i say road rage, his name spells it. He is riding on my ass. I speed up little bit, through the mirror, i can see his red face, and white knuckles on the steering wheel. I see Fin in the passengers seat, holding onto the handle on the roof of the car, he is clearly scared out of his mind.

"Call Munch and tell him to calm down, we all wanna get there, but its not gonna do any good, if we get in to an accident." I tell Amanda. Behind Munch is Olivia and Nick, and behind them are 4 patrol cars with 2 cops in each.

Amanda calls Fin, not wanting to distract Munch from his great driving. 

"Hello?" I hear Fin answer.

"Hey tell Munch to slow down a bit." She says. Munch clearly heard her because all you hear is him yell.

"TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND TO SPEED UP!!!!!!!!!" He is mad and angry. I step on the gas. 

Amanda hangs up because it to much, we are all scared for Maya and Munch us going to go and insult us. We aren't dating. But i understand, he is just nervous. We stick to driving fast. All we can think about is Maya. 

(Maya's POV*)

After about an hour of just laying there, letting him do what he wants to me, i can't feel my body anymore. He finishes and makes a phone call. Great now his friend is coming back, and im just stuck with more of this. 

"I'll be back in 5 minutes, im going to go get something for us to do. " He says. I just lay there until i hear the metal door slam. 

I try and stand up, but im pretty sure he broke my leg. I manage to stand up, and i wipe the blood of my cheek, all thought it stings, the blood was itchier. I drag my leg and put most of my weight on the other, but it still hurts.

I limp over to my clothes in the corner of the room. I pick up my over-sized sweatshirt, I slowly and carefully put it on, trying not to bang my beating finger tips. Once i put it on, I throw on my sweatpants, and have a tough time with my leg. 

I then walk over to the stair case and slowly climb in. I get to the top and try to open the cement door. It doesn't budge. I push with all my weight, and I am now crying. I pound on the door with all my weight until the door pops open. When it does i look up and the man is standing there. I try and hurry back down the stairs, but the guy picks me up over his shoulder. I scream. 

He slams the door behind him and runs down the stairs with me kicking and screaming. He throws me back into that chair, and once i try to stand up again, he shoves me back down. He rips off my sweatshirt, and lets me keep my pants on. 

He pours ice cold water all over me. I start to shiver. Then he plug in a wire to the wall.

Somehow i know what he is going to do. "Please no." I cry. "Help!" I scream

"Shh... nobody can hear you." He smiles. I start to cry harder. "Ready?"

I sob harder. 

He pulls out this tick type thing, and holds it out to touch my ribs, i scoot as far away as I can. The it touches my side.


I feel the electricity run through my body. I squeeze my eyes shut. My body is being electrocuted. My ribs feel like the are cracking and so does everything else. He pulls away and my body relaxes. I start trying to catch my breath, when he does it again. This time for a minute. 

When he is done, i relax and try to breathe, but it hurts and it is hard. I start to cry again. He does it one more time, and for a very short time, i thought i was going to die. He lets go and drops the tool. He then pours more ice water onto me. 

He then does it again, and again, and again. Until my clothes are bloody, and i am spitting up blood. The he stops. He unties me and brings me back to the old mattress.  

He throws me onto it, and pulls my pants down again. He puts himself into me again, and does what he wants to. I cant move, as much as i try, i feel paralyzed, but i soon regain feeling in my toes and fingers. 

All i can think about is Carisi, and how now, he is the last person i want to see. 

He probably hates me.

He probably wants to throw up when he thinks about me, and how disgusting i am.

I am 13 and lost my virginity and have done it more than once. I keep thinking about it until i fall unconscious again. And i find peace in the unconsciousness. I can't feel anything, and i feel relaxed.

I let the unconsciousness consume me.

Don't Let Him Take MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin