Some Fun

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(Nick's POV*)

I saw Carisi walk into the precinct with his hand on Maya's back. He told her to come sit next to me at my desk, she did.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. She placed both her hands on my desk and I noticed the gauze around one of her wrists.

"What happened?" I asked picking her wrist up.

"Nothing." She whispered as she tried to pull away but my grip was too strong.

"Maya, did you do this?" I asked staring at her. She was silent, but then she nodded. "Why?"

"I don't know." She said looking sad.

"Nick, can you come here?" Carisi yells from the other room.

"If you ever need to talk I am here. Okay?" I asked.

She nodded and I got up to walk to the other room.

"So, what happened to Maya?" I ask Carisi and Rollins who are also standing there.

"She was in a lot of pain. Internal pain." Rollins said.

I sighed and nodded.

"So, I really want to take her mind off of stuff, because I don't want her to be depressed, but what should I do?" Carisi asked.

After a minute of thinking, I found an idea.

"Remember Maya's friends Gabby and Mary-grace?" They all nodded. "You should have them come over for a little. They all seemed really close and I think It would be good for them to talk after a long time."

"You're right. Thanks!" He said snapping his fingers and exiting the room. He went straight to Maya.

(Carisi's POV*)

"Hey Maya, would you want to have your friends Gabby and Mary-grace come over for a night?" I ask Maya.

A shocked expression came across her face. "Oh my god." She said.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked laughing.

"No, but I haven't talked to them in a month." She said.

"So have them come over."


"Oh yea. We can play some basketball and then they can sleep over my house."

"Okay. Do you have a laptop I can borrow?"

"Yea, right in there. Why?"

"I am going to Skype them."

"Okay. I will leave you guys alone." I said as I watched her Skype her friends.

"Omg!! Maya, is it really you? I thought you were dead." One of her friends said.

"yea!" The other chimed in.

"I'm not." Maya laughed. "I just had some stuff going on. Do you remember the detective from the presentation. Carisi? Well I am living with him."

"where's your dad?"

Maya looked down. "He's dead."

"Oh I am so sorry Maya. Why didn't you tell us."

"well, there is something else. My father has been abusing me for the last 3 years."

"Maya! why didn't you tell us? We would of helped."

"I know, but that's not it. He also.... raped me."

"Omg! Maya, I am so sorry."

"It's okay, but the detective said that if you guys want to sleep over tonight you can."

"Oh, okay, we will see you then Maya. bye." They all hung up.

She exited the room and gave me the laptop back.

"Thanks." She said building up a smile.

"Anytime." I answered and we walked out.

"So do you guys wanna come play basketball with Maya, her friends, and I tonight?" I asked the squad.

"Yea, We will be there. I need to beat Maya anyways." Nick said causing us all to laugh. After that we all left and Maya and I went home to get ready.

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