5 - Oppisites Attract

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"Yo, Will, come on, let's run some laps," Carter called out, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Just let me tie my shoes," I replied, bending down to secure the laces.

As I stood up, Carter's playful tone caught me off guard. "Buddy, you're glowing. Did you get laid last night?"

I rolled my eyes, expecting the typical teasing from my friends. "No, I didn't get laid. I just had a nice conversation with someone."

Carter's voice boomed, drawing attention from our other friends. "Hey, everyone! Willy got laid!"

Laughter erupted around us, and I shook my head in disbelief. "What? No, I didn't get laid. I just had a very nice conversation with a girl who I happen to like."

Carter's grin widened. "Like? Will, my man, you're finally catching feelings? It's been months since you've got some action. Aren't you feeling deprived?"

I sighed, realizing there was no escaping their relentless teasing. "No, I'm not deprived, and no, I won't be making any moves on her just yet."

Carter's eyebrows shot up. "But, Will, come on! You've been single for a while. Don't you need some action?"

I shrugged, feeling both exasperated and amused by their persistence. "I'm good, C. I think I'll be okay without any immediate action. Thanks for your concern, though."

Carter playfully nudged me. "Alright, bro, just say the word if you ever need a wingman. I got your back, my brother."

As we started our run, my mind drifted back to the girl who had captured my attention. Alexis. She was the designer for my sister's wedding, and there was something about her that intrigued me. She was smart, talented, and had a way of challenging me. But convincing her to let me take her out was proving to be a challenge in itself.

"What's this girl's name anyway, the one you like so much?" Carter asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Alexis. She's the one responsible for the beautiful designs for Callie's wedding," I replied, a hint of excitement in my voice.

Carter grinned mischievously. "Ooh, a smart one. I'm happy for you, bro. You deserve some excitement in your life."

I chuckled, appreciating his support. "Yeah, well, don't get too excited. She's not an easy one to win over. She's stubborn, among other things."

As we continued our run, my thoughts remained fixated on Alexis. There was a part of me that wanted to make a move, to ask her out and get to know her on a deeper level. But I couldn't deny the lingering doubt and fear of rejection that held me back.

Later that day, my sister called me down to the living room with a sense of urgency. Carter and I had been about to head out for some burgers, but her tone suggested that this conversation couldn't wait.

"What's going on, sis? Why did you call me down here?" I asked, curious about the interruption.

She sighed, frustration evident on her face. "I'm thinking of asking Aria to be one of my bridesmaids since Callie doesn't want to anymore. But she told me that she hates me because I never put in a good word with you about her. Do you think she'd be willing to be a bridesmaid?"

I furrowed my brow, recalling the history between Aria and me. "Yeah, I think it ended on a good note. She doesn't hate me," I assured my sister. "We had our differences in the past, but I believe we've moved past that. Aria is a reasonable person, and I think she would be open to being a bridesmaid."

Relief washed over my sister's face as she nodded. "That's good to hear. I'll talk to her and see if she's willing. Thanks for letting me know, Will."

As we stood there, a thought crossed my mind. Maybe suggesting Alexis as a bridesmaid was more than just a helpful suggestion. Perhaps deep down, I had selfish reasons for proposing it.

"Actually, I have a small suggestion," I spoke up, hesitant but intrigued by the idea forming in my mind. "You know how you and Alexis have been getting closer over the past few months? What if you consider asking her to be a bridesmaid?"

My sister's eyes widened, her interest piqued. "Alexis? That's actually a great idea, Will. She's been such a good friend during the wedding preparations, and she's so talented. I think she would be a fantastic addition. Plus, she mentioned she'll be bringing a plus one to our lunch today. We might as well find out who that is."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of a plus one. Could it be that Alexis was already seeing someone? I tried to hide my disappointment, but my mind raced with questions. Who could this person be? Was I already too late?

Attempting to hide my concern, I reached for my phone and texted Jeremy, who was skilled at digging up information.

'Ring ring.'

"Jeremy, find out who Alexis's plus one is," I urged, my voice filled with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity.

"Well, hello to you too, Will," Jeremy replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "On it, boss. By the way, I haven't found much on her yet, but I'll keep digging."

"Thanks, Jeremy. Keep me updated," I responded, hoping he could uncover any information that would shed light on Alexis's relationship status.

Carter, who had been listening intently, chimed in, "Hey, Will, have you ever thought of asking her out? I mean, actually getting to know her beyond a conversation."

I let out a sigh, contemplating his question. "I have, Jer. But she's proven to be quite stubborn and resistant to the idea. We seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum."

Jeremy's voice came through the phone, his words carrying a hint of teasing. "Well, they say opposites attract, but I guess that's not true in your case. Hang in there, buddy. You never know what might happen."

I chuckled, grateful for my friends' support. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. I'll see how things unfold. Maybe there's still a chance."

As the conversation drifted to other topics, my mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Alexis. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to break through her walls and show her that we could be more than just friends. Only time would tell if our paths would converge in a way that would allow me to explore the possibility of something deeper between us.
Hey guys yea I know short chapter but definitely better than my last Will POV
Anyhoo if y'all have any suggestions for plot line  let me know on my page.
I'm goin on winter break soon so my next chapter should be soon.
Also any romance books recommendations???
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