12 - Why Me

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Alexis pov
"Wow, this is incredible!" I exclaimed, feeling an electrifying rush of excitement.

"Emma just texted, she'll meet us at the club," Chloe mentioned with a smile.

"Great!" I replied eagerly, looking forward to a fantastic night ahead.

"We've arrived, ladies!" the driver announced as we stepped out of the car, the pulsating music from the club speakers engulfing us.

"Yay! Let's have some fun and let loose!" Kaitlin suggested, her enthusiasm contagious.

"Hey, Chloe, your favorite song is playing! Let's hit the dance floor!" I exclaimed, playfully pulling her towards the vibrant crowd.

A group of guys approached us, extending an invitation to dance, and we happily joined them, relishing the joyous atmosphere and the company of new friends.

After a few rounds of drinks and energetic dances, I excused myself, feeling the call of nature. "Hey, Emma, I'll be right back. I'm going to use the restroom," I informed her.

"No problem, girl. Enjoy yourself!" she replied, her excitement evident.

As I made my way to the bathroom, my heart sank unexpectedly when I bumped into someone I had hoped never to encounter again. Memories rushed back, evoking the pain of a past that had shattered me and left me vulnerable.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me," I stammered, my voice trembling.

He turned around, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Alexis, hey," he greeted me.

His voice pierced through me, reigniting the pain of old wounds. "I have to go...." I mumbled, hastily retreating towards the bathroom.

Once inside, I took a deep breath, mustering the strength to regain my composure. It was time to let go of the past and focus on enjoying the present.

"Hey, Lex, maybe take it easy on the drinks," Chloe suggested, concern evident in her voice.

But I brushed off her suggestion, determined to drown my sorrows and find solace in forgetting.

After several more drinks, I became completely intoxicated. "Whooo! Chloe, come on up here, let's dance!" I called out, my inhibitions washed away by alcohol.

"Lex, come down! What happened?" Chloe asked, her worry apparent.

"I saw him, Chloe. He was here!" I blurted out, tears streaming down my face.

"Who? Who did you see Lex?" she asked, trying to comprehend my distress.

"Tyler," I whispered, the pain and heartbreak resurfacing. Overwhelmed, I continued, "He said hello, Chloe... after all this time."

"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry," Chloe consoled me, guiding me towards the exit. It was clear that going home was the best course of action.

"He acted like everything was ok.... Can you believe it?" I sobbed uncontrollably, my emotions overpowering me. Chloe gently patted my back, offering unwavering support as we made our way to the car.

The driver helped a very intoxicated Kaitlin into the vehicle and called Will for assistance. Emma's boyfriend arrived promptly to pick her up, ensuring everyone's safety. After that, the details became hazy in my alcohol-fogged mind.

"Alright, ladies, I'm taking you home now," the driver informed us, initiating our journey back. However, my thoughts were consumed by a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions and memories.

Will pov

"What happened, Chloe?" I asked, my voice filled with concern as I noticed Alexis curled up in the back, peacefully asleep.

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