13 - Just The Light You've Been Looking For

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Alexis POV

"Alright, finished with all the tuxedos finally."

Wow, I must say, these tuxedos turned out really nice. Will is going to look great in his.

"Wow, Alexis, these look really sharp."

"Thanks, Martha. I know they'll look fantastic on the guys."

"More specifically, your guy, huh?"

"He's not my guy, Martha. We're just friends, okay?"

"Friends don't kiss each other on the forehead, and friends don't sleep in the same bed and cuddle, Lex."

I turned my head to see Chloe entering the room, a mischievous smile on her face. Her blonde hair cascaded in loose waves, and her green eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Cuddling, forehead kisses, living together... You two are like a real couple now."

"No, no, we're not, Martha. We're just friends who happen to live in the same house."

"Like roommates."

"Alexis, dear, please. You're just kidding yourself. Just admit that you like him just as much as he likes you."

"Well, I'll admit that he's not the worst person to be living with."

"And he's a hot football player. Can't forget that."

"True, and he's not the worst to look at."

Okay, so maybe I think he's cute, sweet, and funny. And yes, he's really smart too. So maybe, just maybe, I have a tiny little crush on him. But that's all it'll ever be, right?
Will POV

"Hey, sweetheart, what do you think about going to the Bahamas?"

"Well, I think you would have a wonderful time there. I hear it's beautiful."

"I meant we could go to the Bahamas together, silly. I owe my sister a wedding gift anyway, and I just happen to have a few meetings down there, so why not make it a vacation?"

"And since your now one of her bridesmaids...your invited you can even bring Chloe if that will make you more comfortable..." I offered.

She was right in front of me, her back pressed against my chest, and her head leaned into my shoulder. I could feel her warmth, and her presence made my heart skip a beat.

I turned her around to face me, our faces mere inches apart. I could feel her breath on my face, carrying a hint of peppermint.

I started to lean in, knowing that the next moment would seal our connection. But as I looked into her eyes, I saw a flicker of hesitation. She spun out of my embrace, and I instantly felt a pang of disappointment.

My hands still hung in the air, as if frozen in their intention to touch her. I wanted to understand why she had pulled away, why she wasn't ready for this. Was it me? Did she not feel the same way?

She placed her hands gently on my chest, pushing me back slightly. I respected her boundaries, even though every fiber of my being wanted to hold her closer.


Her voice was barely a whisper, but I didn't need her to say more. I saw the uncertainty in her eyes, the vulnerability she was grappling with.

I watched as her expression softened, and her lips moved to form my name. It was as if time stood still in that moment. I waited, unsure of what she was going to say.

"Listen, Alexis," I began, my voice filled with sincerity. "I meant what I said about you in that interview. I will wait for you, as long as it takes. I'm serious about you, sweetheart. I just need you to believe me."

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