15 - I Will Wait For You

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Alexis POV
I had taken on the responsibility of being the designated driver for the night, determined not to get drunk. I sat at the bar, patiently waiting for the girls to return from the bathroom.

"Hey, the guy over there paid for this drink," the bartender informed me, pointing towards a man at the end of the table.

He smiled in my direction, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Well, you can tell that guy I'm the DD tonight, so drinking is off the table for me."

To my surprise, the guy walked over and took a seat beside me. "Can I help you, sir?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Yes, did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you're an angel," he said, his voice oozing with cheesy confidence.

I couldn't help but scoff. "Wow, so original. Where did you Google that one from?"

"Well, I guess cheesy pick-up lines don't work on a girl with your intelligence."

"Hmm, sorry, no," I replied dismissively.

"What's your name, beautiful?"

"Lexi," I quickly made up a name, not wanting to reveal my real one to a random stranger.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

"Yeah, my mom had great taste," I deadpanned, unimpressed.

"Bartender, an orange juice for the lady, please," he called out.

As my phone rang, I excused myself to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Who is that guy?" a familiar voice on the other end of the line demanded to know.

"Huh? Who?"

"The guy sitting right next to you."

"Well, actually, I don't know his name. Let me ask real quick." I turned to the guy and asked, "Excuse me, sir, what's your name?"

"Joshua, but you can call me Josh, beautiful," he replied with a smirk.

"Josh. His name is Josh," I informed the caller.

"Last name?" they asked.

"I'm not asking him his last name, Will."

"Now, stop being a bother and leave me alone. Enjoy your night. I'll see you at the hotel," I said, ending the call.

"Boyfriend?" Josh asked curiously.

I chuckled. "Ha, no, he wishes, though."

"Is there a boyfriend in the picture?" he inquired further.

"Nope, but I'm not looking for anyone," I responded, feeling a mix of relief and slight disappointment.


"Haha, did that really happen?" I asked, amusement evident in my voice.

"Yeah, it did! I was like, 'What the hell is going on?'" He replied, still chuckling at the memory.

"I can't even right now. That's hilarious! Your cat and dog fighting in a boxing ring!" I exclaimed, and we burst into laughter.

Suddenly, I felt a strong presence behind me, and when I turned, there stood Will Clements, wearing a frown on his face.

"We're leaving. Come on," he said curtly.

"Oh, okay. Well, Josh, it was lovely to meet you. You have my number, right? Text me. We could hang out again before I have to leave," I said, flashing a smile at Josh. He seemed nice.

"Will do. I would love to," Josh replied, returning my smile.

I glanced back at Will, still wearing that frown. "What?"

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