9 - His Lucky Charm

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Today was the day of my game, and to add to the pressure, I still had to pack as I was flying out in the morning.

"Hey cupcake, do you watch football?" I asked Alexis, who was focused on her task at hand.

"No, I don't. Why?" she replied curiously.

"Well, my sister is coming over to watch the game, and I was thinking you could invite your friend Chloe," I suggested, hoping to lift her spirits.

"Really?" she exclaimed, a glimmer of excitement shining in her eyes.

I nodded, knowing that she had been feeling down ever since she moved away from her friend. "Yes, I thought it would be nice for you to have some company."

"Oh, thank you, Will!" Alexis gave me an unexpected hug, but quickly jumped back, realizing what she had done. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay, gorgeous. You can jump me anytime, anywhere," I teased, smirking at her blushing face. She looked adorable when she got nervous.

"Uh, I'm gonna call Chloe, okay? Bye!" Alexis hurriedly excused herself, clearly flustered by the interaction.

Chuckling to myself, I thought, she truly is one of a kind.
"Beep, beep, beeeeep!!!" My alarm blared annoyingly, jolting me awake.

I groaned, realizing it was 5:45 am. Time to get up. I dragged myself out of bed, took a refreshing shower, and slipped into some comfortable clothes before heading to the kitchen.

Breakfast consisted of a quick grab-and-go combo: a granola bar and a glass of milk. I didn't want to keep my body waiting for fuel before the big game.

I made my way to Alexis' room, observing her peaceful sleeping form. She looked like an angel, free from any pain that usually hid behind her beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't help but be drawn to her, kissing her forehead and gently brushing her hair out of her eyes.

She stirred slightly in her sleep, mumbling something about puppies. I smiled, knowing I had to tear myself away. As much as I wanted to stand there and stare at her all day, I had a game to win.

"Mhm, Will, is that you?" Alexis murmured sleepily.

"Yeah, sweetheart, I'm heading to New York now," I replied, trying not to disturb her rest.

"Oh, for your game, mhm," she mumbled, still half asleep.

"Yeah, for my game. You're going to be watching, right? You might be my lucky charm, huh?" I asked, hoping she would be there to support me.

"Yeah, maybe. Don't worry, I'll be watching," she assured me, her voice filled with warmth and love.

"Alright, Alexis, I have to go. See you in two days," I said reluctantly, knowing I had to leave.

"Mhm," Alexis replied sleepily, her words trailing off as she drifted back into her dreams.

"Sir, we have landed," the flight attendant announced, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Stepping out of the plane, I was greeted by Jeremy and Courtney, my trusty team members.

"Will, you have two press meetings after the game and an interview with The Reynolds Show again. Lindsey really enjoyed having you," Courtney informed me.

"Okay, Courtney, I'll make sure to have a suit ready for him. Also, I've arranged reservations for you and Amber's lunch date," Jeremy said.

"Lunch date? I never heard anything about a date with Amber," I stated, confusion evident in my voice.

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