39 - The Most Important Part

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Alexis POV
Tw : Little mentions of panic attacks

It was all too much, the venue the guest list the party favours.

I inhaled sharply taking deep breaths calming myself down.

Will was currently talking in the phone with the wedding planner.

I took a seat on the bed and texted Chloe the list of things we needed to get done.

Guest List
The Venue
The Cake
The actual meal.

It was a lot to do in two weeks and I wasn't sure if we could do this.

My chest felt constricted I was struggling to breath, my stomach churned and my hands shook.

Come on Alexis not now, not while Will is in the house.

Deep breaths inhale exhale.

"Sweetheart the venue had been taken care of."

Taking in one last breath I slowly calmed down.

I didn't want to worry Will with this he had enough in his plate already.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, the venue good I will text Chlo one less thing to worry about."

"Ok I will call mom she was supposed to get back to me on the flowers."

"Oh today at 5 cake tasting."

"Ok I will check that off the list."

"Have you eaten today."


"Um yes I had a bowl of cereal when you went on your run."

He placed a kiss on my temple and turned to talk to his mom.

"Yea mom oh you got the flowers!"

Checking that if my list I called Chloe.

"Hey girl I got the cater on the other line anything important?"

"No, it's just we crossed a few things of the the list."

"Are you ok girl."

"Yea I'm fine just another panic attack."

"Have you told Will yet?"

"No I don't want to worry him about this."

"Honey he is going to be your husband you can't hide these things from him."

"Ok how about this if it happens again I will tell him."

I ended the call, Chloe has my best interest at heart but she just doesn't understand that if I tell Will about the panic attacks he would worry about me constantly.

After the call I tried to keep busy knowing it would cloud the panic about a hour later my phone rang it was my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Honey,Chloe told me about the attacks, have you talked to Dr.Harrison recently."

"Mom, I'm fine don't worry about it, I'm just a little stressed about the wedding that's all the attacks weren't that serious."

"Sweetie I know you, please go talk to Dr Harrison make an appointment see her."

"Ok, I will see her tomorrow."

"Thank you, and tell Will he needs to know about your attacks ok."

"Got it see you later mom."

She cut the call and Will cleared his throat he stood in door way.

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