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Alexis POV
I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing.

Will turned to his phone, and inaudibly groaned.


I snuggled closer to listen to his call, he wrapped one arm me.

"Will, get dressed you have an interview in 2 hours."


"Will get your lazy butt out of bed now!"


He cut the line, rolled over pulling me closer to him.

"Don't you have work to do?"

"Imma skip, we can just stay here and cuddle."

"You know Will, I would have never thought you would be a softie."

"There is only one person who can bring out this side of me, and that's you sweetheart."

He dropped a kiss on to my temple, nuzzling my neck.

"Come on silly let's get up you have a meeting to go to."

"I don't want to...."


"Ok ok I'm going, we can pick breakfast on the way to work."

"Yea I'm going into the office today."
Will POV
"See you later Will."

"You mean later tonight right?"

"Yea, ok I will pick up dinner on the way home."


A four letter word that means so much to me, coming from her.

When I got to the office Jeremy was already sitting at the table, looking at his face phone.

"Hey sorry I'm late."

"Yea well it's ok because what I'm about say, you will not like it."


"Lindsey Reynolds just called she want to do an interview with you about the win."

"How is that bad news."

"I think you should announce your relationship with Lex to the world."


"It's just that I have been seeing the tabloids and people are thinking your off your game because of some bimbo."

"We won the bowl didn't we why do they still think that."

" I don't know Will people are just like that."

" I know you need some time to talk it over with Alexis but this would also benefit you too, people won't be surprised when you bring her to the Awards Ceremony."

"Yea I'm guess, I need to talk it over with her though."

"Of course text me when you reach your decision."

I have no idea how Alexis is going to react to this, it's scary and when she gets scared she runs.

I decide to call her so she isn't surprised when I get to the boutique.
I connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker in my car.


"Hey sweetheart I have something to tell I'm stopping by the shop you wanna get lunch?"

"Oh ok sure anything important."

"I will tell you when I see you."

"Ok love you."

"I love you too."

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