22 - Don't Let Him Go

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Will POV
Alexis went to get a drink, so I turned to face Matt.
Matt was a good looking guy, I would be worried if he wasn't completely devoted to Chloe.

"Um hi I'm Kylie who are you?"

Did she say Kylie?

As in the witch that hurt my girl.

"I'm Will."

I kept my answers curt and short, hoping she would leave.

"Your aren't a student here right, I mean I would have remembered you."

She batted her fake lashes at me twirling her hair around.

"I am here with my girlfriend."

"And who might that be."

Her tone was slightly annoyed after I mentioned a girlfriend.


She turned, and her face changed.


"Is that you?"

She says this in an almost mocking way.

"How did you end up with this hottie, we all know you could never keep a guy long."

Alexis' face changed, oh hell no I'm not going to just stand around and let her insult my girl like that.

"Well I hope you keep me around sweetheart, I don't know what I would do without you."

I gave her a smile smile pulling her into my side.

"Oh you should be careful Will, we used to call her the ice queen."

"She rejected anyone who came close to her."

"But then came along Ty, remember Lexi?"


"Well it's been nice to meet you Will, when you get bored of her call me."

"I don't think I will."

"Are you ok sweetheart?"

"Huh, oh yea I'm fine."

I could tell that she was not ok.

"You know I would never leave you right."

I cupped  her cheek her brown eyes bore into mine.

"Yea, it's just that seeing her brings back all these memories of betrayal."

"Come on let's go get something to eat."
Alexis POV
After we got home I was exhausted, all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Hey mom, I'm going to bed I'm so tired."

"Ok honey see you in the morning."

I climbed up the stairs to my room, changed into one of Will's shirts and some shorts.

I hopped into bed, sinking into the soft mattress, the warmth of the duvet overtaking me into sleep.

I felt the bed dip, Will got into the bed probably after taking a shower cause he smelled very nice.
Unlike my stinky self, well I guess I will just take one tomorrow.

He looped his arms around me pulling my back towards his chest.
Placing a soft kiss on my head he whispered into my ear.

"I love you Alexis."

I turned to face him his arms tugged me closer.
I snuggled into his chest his heavenly scent overwhelming my senses.

"I love you too."
Will POV
6:30,my alarm blared into the room.
When I turned Alexis was fast asleep, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

After my shower I went downstairs, I was kinda nervous to be alone with Lex's parents.

"Morning kiddo how'd you sleep?"

"Oh uh I slept well."

"Relax Will, I'm not going to bite."

"So, tell me how did you meet my daughter."

"Well we met at a after party, I thought your daughter was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen."

"Then I spoke to her, she didn't even know who I was,which was new to me."

"She was so quick, telling me how she couldn't ride in my car because I was a stranger."

"Haha that sounds like my Lexi."

"Well anyway after that I could not stop thinking about her, my sister is actually getting married."

"We stopped by this boutique to get her dress designed."

"And guess who works at that boutique."


I looked up to see a fully dressed Alexis coming downstairs stairs.

"Morning mom!"

"Where is Henry?"

"Oh he has work today, he was disappointed that he couldn't see you guys off but I told him the super bowl is soon and that we would see you guys then."

"Oh ok."

She walked over to the frigide and grabbed some milk.

"You want a smoothie Will."

"Nah I'm gonna have a protein shake it's better."

"Ok then."
Alexis POV
"Bye mom."

She pulled me into a hug, and whispered into my ear.

"Don't let him go Lex, he truly loves you."

"I won't mom."

We said our goodbyes and got on the plane.

My phone rang it was Kaitlin.

"Hey Lex, I know you guys are coming back from Portland today but tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner you think you could make it."

"Yea totally we can, I will have Will check his schedule."

"Thanks, you have your dress right?"

"Yup it's hanging in our closet."

"Great text Chlo that she is invited too ok."

"Yup I will text her now, ok see you tomorrow."

"Who was that?"

"Kaitlin, the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow."

I curled up in my seat and laid my head on Wills chest.

"Good night."

He chuckled, vibrating his chest.

Dropping a kiss on my temple he pulled a blanket on us.

I fell asleep the plane ride was smooth and before I knew it we were home.

"Sweetheart wake up we are here."

"5 more minutes ok.."

I felt him scoop me up, and carry me to the car.

When we got home he laid me in the bed and pulled the blanket over me.

Then he went to change.

I felt like changing so I changed into one of his shirts and hopped back into bed.

I felt the bed dip, he wrapped his arms around me nuzzling my neck.

"Good night baby."

"Night Will."

And with that I dozed of into a peaceful sleep.
Hey guys, I know it took me a while to post I had a lot of tests this week.
Well rehearsal dinner is next, drama is to come!
Stayed Tuned!
Happy Weekend
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