25 - Burned

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Alexis POV
As I slowly opened my eyes, the dull ache in my head intensified, serving as a painful reminder of the emotional turmoil I had experienced the night before. The tears had taken their toll, leaving me exhausted and vulnerable. Nevertheless, I knew I couldn't hide from reality any longer; it was time to face the music.

Glancing around the room, I noticed that Chloe was already in the shower, oblivious to the internal battle raging within me. I dragged myself out of bed and mustered the energy to pick out my clothes for the day – a simple blue shirt and a pair of worn-out jeans. It was a feeble attempt to regain some semblance of control over my life, to present a composed exterior even as my heart screamed in pain.

Once I had changed, the hunger pangs reminded me that taking care of myself was equally important. I decided to order some room service, hoping that a warm meal would soothe not only my empty stomach but also my troubled mind.

Chloe emerged from the shower, her eyes filled with concern as she took in my disheveled appearance. "Hey, how are you feeling, Lex?" she asked softly, her voice filled with genuine compassion.

I sighed, massaging my temples to alleviate the throbbing ache. "Well, my head hurts like hell, and I'm starving," I replied, offering a weak smile in an attempt to downplay the emotional turmoil that threatened to consume me.

Concern etched across her face, Chloe leaned closer, her voice filled with empathy. "Hey, you need to talk to him, hun. You need to ask him what really happened."

Fear gripped my heart as I considered the possibility of confronting him, of finally seeking the truth behind the pain. "I'm scared, Chlo," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "What if he did kiss her on purpose? What if this betrayal is just the tip of the iceberg?"

Chloe placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and determination. "Sweetie, you have to talk to him," she urged gently. "You can't avoid him forever. Give yourself some time to think, but don't let fear and doubt consume you."

Her words resonated deep within me, stirring a flicker of courage amidst the sea of uncertainty. Nodding, I took a deep breath, trying to summon the strength to face the inevitable confrontation. "You're right, Chlo," I conceded, a newfound determination tinged with vulnerability shining through my voice. "I'm going to talk to him, but not now. I need time to gather my thoughts, to sort through the chaos within me."

Leaving Chloe behind, I made my way back to my room, hoping that solitude would grant me some clarity. As I entered, the scent of freshly delivered breakfast wafted through the air, momentarily distracting me from the turmoil within. My eyes fell upon the carefully arranged tray on the bed, a small gesture of care in the midst of my emotional storm.

Seeking a temporary escape, I mindlessly scrolled through my social media feed, the vibrant images and superficial captions providing a temporary respite from my own tumultuous reality. Lost in the digital realm, I noticed a missed call from Will. Curiosity mingled with trepidation as I pressed the button to listen to the voicemail, unsure of what awaited me.

"Sweetheart, Chloe told me you weren't feeling well," his voice flowed through the speakers, laced with a mixture of concern and affection. "Why didn't you come get me? Call me back. We can stay in and cuddle, spend the day together."

I winced at the casualness of his words, the ease with which he brushed aside the weight of our crumbling relationship. How could he act like nothing had happened? Did he truly think that a simple invitation for intimacy could erase the pain he had caused? Anger and hurt surged within me, fueling the fire of betrayal that burned within my heart.

This wasn't what I had hoped for when I opened my heart to him. I had wanted love, trust, and companionship, not this searing ache of betrayal. With a heavy sigh, I set my phone aside, realizing that this was the moment I had been dreading. It was time to face the truth, to confront him, and demand the answers that would either heal or shatter my fragile heart.
Will pov
I hadn't seen or heard from Alexis since last night, and her lack of response to my calls had only fueled my concern. Determined to find out what was going on, I made my way to her door, my heart pounding with a mix of worry and confusion.

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