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a pink man's perspective

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a pink man's perspective

After your declaration, Haruchiyo froze in shock

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After your declaration, Haruchiyo froze in shock.

You ended things just like that. When you walked away, hands in your pockets, the pink haired male was too in shock to stop you.

Internally, he wanted to beg for you stay, he wanted to pull you to him.

But he had no guts, he had no courage to do so. Even if he didn't want you to leave, he read that if you loved someone, learn to let them go when needed.

So he stood there, in front of the classroom that he used to pick you up from, until you were out of his sight.

- ღ -

Two weeks passed, two weeks that were hell to Sanzu Haruchiyo.

He didn't have you by his side, he wasn't used to the feeling. For most of his high-school life, he had you, even before all the fake dating started, he had you. You were someone who pissed him off every single day, but as time went on, you were someone who he needed every single day.

High-school was boring for him, until he met you.

That day when he bumped into you as your beverage spilled all over your white blouse never left his mind.

Sanzu Haruchiyo never believed in Gods, but if Gods were real, he'd thank them for bringing you to his life, even if your relationship started terribly.

Yet today was graduation day, and you were nowhere to be found.

It wasn't just Haruchiyo who was worried, Senju was as well.

Even if Senju was your best friend, your whereabouts were a secret to her. She didn't care where you were, she just needed to know if you were okay.

Graduation ended, you didn't attend the ceremony and you didn't get your diploma.

The next on the agenda was the graduation party, Haruchiyo didn't have anything to do so he went, but that wasn't the only reason why he decided to attend.

His instincts told him that you'd attend as well.

Haruchiyo sat in one of the chairs, watching everyone waltz their way to the alcoholic beverages as others were wasted even if the party had just begun.

Everything he looked at gave him a sense of deja vu from all his high-school experiences, there was that feeling where he'd process that it was the last time he would see most of these people that he spent a huge portion of his life with.

Although, there was a person who was nowhere in sight that he didn't want that day to be the last time they met.

That person was of course, you.

It was either you attended the party and that would be the last time Haruchiyo would ever see you, or you won't attend and the cruel day from two weeks ago would be the last.

Both of those options weren't astonishing to him, he wanted option C, which was he'd get to see you today, then he'd patch the broken wings of your relationship, and he'll marry you.

Yes, marry you.

If it wasn't obvious enough, Sanzu Haruchiyo didn't like anyone outside of your relationship.

The person he 'liked' and would always blabber about was in fact you.

'She has gorgeous eyes!' You had gorgeous eyes. 'She will be mine!' You will be his.

He made the imaginary girl an excuse to fake date you, and the fake date was for him to get closer to you and maybe you could fall for him in the process.

And little did he know, it worked.

It worked too well, because you've fallen for him hard.

Now back to Haruchiyo watching the party happen, his eyes laid at the entrance, still waiting.

Then the door opened, revealing soft h/c locks and smooth s/c skin. A woman that left the pink haired male wonderstruck, you.

You stood there wearing a beautiful black dress, your make up done and you looked beautifully put together. Sanzu Haruchiyo's eyes opened, from being half attentive to all his attention on you.

"y/n.." he whispered, but it seemed like his whisper was loud enough for the person behind him to hear.

Senju looked at her brother when she heard the name of the h/c haired goddess, then looking at the entrance, and it revealed you to her eyes.

She immediately went up to you in a heartbeat, whilst Haruchiyo was too in shock to even move.

His instincts were right, you did attend. He was beyond happy that you attended, he was beyond happy that he got to see you again, he was beyond happy that you were alright.

As you talked with Senju who was tackling you like she hadn't seen you in years.

He stood up from his seat, making his way towards you both. Haruchiyo pulled you by the wrist, Senju's loud complaints were lost in the music but the pink haired man was only focused on you.

Sanzu Haruchiyo gently took you to a private area. He didn't need to pull you either way since you were obedient enough to follow him silently.

Once you reached a private area- which was the balcony- he turned to you with a serious yet calm look.

"You can explain your disappearance now."

a/n: thank you for being patient<3

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a/n: thank you for being patient<3

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