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We've been walking the mall for about an hour and so far its only been shopping for the guys thankfully once we entered shops they had let my hand go because I really need to urinate,not wanting to disturb their shopping I left the shop on my own to try and find the toilet which was a bad mistake the mall was really crowded and I couldn't find the toilet.

I was still walking around trying to find the toilet because I was too nervous to ask anyone around me,the mere thought of asking made my body shake while looking everywhere except in front of ms I bumped into something and fell on my butt.

My face heated up from embarrassment and I refused to look at the person I bumped into instead I offered a quick apology and was about to make my escape but a hand held gently onto my wrist,I looked at the hand on my wrist and my first thought was thats a big hand,the hand full circled my wrist.

"Are you ok,you seem lost"

I let out a awkward laugh and muttered under my breath not thinking he would hear

"I am lost"

"Well what are you looking for?I'll help"

I finally looked up at the male as usual he towered over me but more so than usual I had to strain my neck looking up at him he had stormy gray eyes with a blue outline and black wavy hair that was wet and pushed back he had a sharp jawline that looked like it could cut steel.

He had on a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up half way and a tattoo going down his arm.


Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Don't worry I'm not a serial killer or anything,you can just tell me what you're looking for"

He let go of my wrist and I held my hands in front of me.

I whispered

"The toilet"

Thankfully he heard so I didn't have to repeat myself.

"Ok follow me"

"Um its fine you can just give me directions I don't wanna bother you further"

"Its a big mall its easier this way"

I followed him and eventually we reached the toilet.

"Thank you"

Without another word I ran in,I did what I had to do washed my hand and exited the toilets.

As I walked into the corridor again

"You done"

I turned to face the man again and nodded wondering what he is still doing here.

"I figured you might not know where you're going and I don't like leaving people in places they don't know"


I probably looked confused and he laughed....how in this world can someone's laugh be that deep.

"Did you come here with people?"

"Yes my family"

"And they couldn't give you directions"

"They were shopping and I didn't wanna disturb them so I left on my own"

"Um I don't know the name but it was a sports shop"

"You've never been to this mall before?"

"No I'm new to this area"

"Um you could phone them?"

"I don't have my phone they confiscated it"

"Is it with them?"

I nodded weirded out by the fact that I'm having a conversation with a person I don't even know well this is a first.

He held out a phone "try calling your phone"

"My phone is on silent"

"You could still try"

I nodded and took his phone dialing my number I held it to my ear it did ring but no one picked up I ended the call and handed him back his phone.

"We can walk around until you find them"

"You don't need to do that I'll find them on my own"

"Its no problem I was getting bored anyway my name is Kenji nice to meet you"

"My names y/n its nice to meet you too"

We walked around and talked a bit after not finding them after a while I decided I'd do my own shopping and Kenji decided to tag along after a while of shopping and my buying two simple outfits and couple of arts supplies we decided to get something to eat,I paid for his meal as a thank you for helping someone he hardly knew once again we were walking and two people running bumped into me.

I would've fallen if Kenji didn't stand behind me and place his arms around my shoulder making sure I was steady.

"Can you people watch where you're going or at least apologize"

"Y/n!!!!,we've been looking everywhere for you" I saw all seven boys when I faced front their relief was short lived as they saw the tattooed arm around me.

"What the fuck are you doing to our sister" the twins asked and were about to  puck a fight with Kenji.

"He isn't doing anything he helped me when I was lost"

I moved out of his grasp

"Thanks for your help I really appreciate it"

"No problem maybe I'll see you again somewhere"

I smiled and he left and the guys just glared at him until he was out of sight.

"What the hell are you doing walking with an old man you don't know"

"Do you know how dangerous that is"

"He isn't old he's 28 and we tried calling my phone but no one answered"

"You should've called us"

"I don't know your numbers"

Yoko came up to me and took the packets out of my one hand "I'll carry these for you"

His other hand once again intertwined with mine.

(Hey guys hope everyone is doing great once again thanks for reading,voting,commenting,adding to your reading lists and even following I appreciate all of you)

PHLEGMATIC (yandere brothers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now