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The girl got up at five thirty am she had a bath and put some cat food for the small
Then decided to get dressed for schools she took the uniform out of the packet and grunted at the fact that the black skirt was so short the uniform consisted of a black skirt,white shirt,black pull over and thigh highs,she wished they would've at least put a pants with it but she wasn't that lucky.

Once she was done putting her hair in a simple bun she went downstairs school starts at seven thirty and she was the only one of the children that was up once she had breakfast she left and took a walk to the school she left her bedroom key on the counter so that akihiko  could get the kitten from the room he said he would leave the kitten with a friend until they got home.

Y/n reached school and got her time table then went to her first class maths none of the brothers the brothers were in her maths class but she would be with them in biology,English and business studies,she sat in maths listening to her music as she waited for her teacher.

She was listening to music so she didn't realize that students had come in sje felt someone sit next to her and she took that as a sign to take her earphones out they all stood up as the teacher walked in.

*y/n's POV*

"Good morning class I'm your maths teacher this year you can address me as mister gushiken or sir"

His stormy grey eyes fixated on me and I recognized him immediately Kenji I didnt want to greet him like I know him so I avoided eye contact I could her the girls in the class whispering and giggling and I knew they liked him we started our lesson and I focused on trying to understand it I understood up to a certain step but it just kept going wrong maths freaking sucks,he went around the class checking everyone's work and finally reached my table.

He told me where I was going wrong and worked on some of the equations with me I could feel the girls glaring at me and wanted to get out of  this class as soon as possible.

"Mister gushiken I need help please"

"OK one minute" he looked at me  and smiled

"Do you understand y/n?"

"Y-yes Sir"

I stuttered because when he said my name I felt like someone was about to kill me.

The rest of the period carried on in that way and finally the bell rang,I rushed to pack my bag and was about to walk out.

"Y/n can I talk to you please"

Some girls were waiting to speak to him and I just nodded and waited he was explain some things that the girls didnt understand and I felt like I was going to be late for my second period.

"Um Sir I'm going to be late"

The girls left and Kenji decided to take me to my second period I thought it was in appropriate to do that but he insisted as he was taking me to class people were staring and I once again decided to make myself smaller and he decided to  laugh at me.

"Why are you so nervous we've spoken before"

"You're my teacher and every girl in this school seems to have a crush on you and they are staring at me like they are gonna kill me"

"I wouldn't let that happen,anyways here's your class you seem to be struggling with maths and I'd really like to help you so some see me at break OK?"

I nodded and entered the class to see akihiko and hideo already seated once again they were surrounded by girl and what seemed to be the popular kids so I avoided them until one of the idiots do decided to scream my name,I looked back at the two  and they waved me over I shook my head and took out my phone to use it while waiting but my hand was  grabbed and I was pushed towards hideo and their friends I glared back at akihiko and he chuckled.

"Guys this is our sister y/n"
The guys greeted me and the girls glared at me once again I was the target of their death glares.

"Is she your real sisters because she's not very pretty and all of you guys look good she doesn't fit in"
I pretended I didnt hear that since I had my earphones in.

Akihiko glared at the girl and hideo smiled strangely I went back to my seats while their friends said something during the class I focused on the lesson and left as soon as the bell rang not bothering to talk to her brothers.

On my way to my next class I saw the twins standing in the halls aren't they supposed to be in the college classes?
Before they could see me I put on my earphones and walked past them I got into the class without drawing attention to myself and sat in the back.

The twins came in after me but I pretended I didn't see the I didn't wanna see or talk to anyone right now.

"Hi y/n" I kept my earphones in and didn't look at them but once again they took my earphones out.

"Akihiko and hideo told us their friends were mean with you and we wanted to make sure you were ok"

"I'm fine"

"You don't need to pretend to be fine"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to pretend to not be hurt" I finally looked at them

"I'm not hurt people's words don't hurt me because I don't care what people think you see their opinions don't bother me" I got up and left

(Hi  guys thanks for reading my books,commenting and voting its greatly appreciated please take care of yourselves and don't forget to let me know your thoughts)

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