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The h/c haired girl had dozed off while Kenji spoke to her brothers today's events had exhausted her and because of that her body just shut down.Once Kenji was done talking to her brother he had a shower and went to lay down he saw y/n laying on his bed and tried to wake her bit she wouldn't budge so he just gave up being to tired to carry the girl to another room or the lounge he just threw himself on the same bed and slept peacefully.

*meanwhile with the brothers*

The brothers sat silently in hideos room nothing about what happen today felt real,they all felt guilty about what happened with y/n and Kenji but they were also disappointed that the sister didn't trust them enough to explain the situation to them.

On top of being disappointed the were furious st the vile creatures who thought it was even the slightest bit ok to try and rape their sister,3ven though they didn't want to admit they had to be thankful to 'that man' because if he didn't show up there would have been a horrible situation and to them that was a scary thought.

Tomorrow they decided the would apologize to y/n and then they would track down the bastards who had tried to hurt her the boys who were in college decided to be the ones who would find them and punish them but when the next day did come the boys who hurt their sister were nowhere to be found three days later two of the boys were found dead and the main culprit was missing the boys were so brutally disfigured the only way they had identified them was by the school clothes they had on which had their name tags.

The brothers felt regret at the fact that it wasn't them who did it to those guys but they were still keeping an eye out for their leader y/n still stayed with Kenji and the h/c haired girl found living with him very peaceful,she hadn't spoken to her brothers since the incident when they came to kenjis house and she was relieved but in two days she would have to return home and she didnt know how she was going to face them.

Kenji sensed the girls frustration but there was nothing he could do to help her so he decided to make the time she spent with him the most peaceful time so she wouldn't have to worry about anything,the week with school was quiet busy and y/n completed assignments and homework during that time but it was Friday and Kenji decided to do her favorite thing watch anime with snacks.

While she was watching anime Kenji decided to tie up a loose end he told her he was going to buy some food which was true but first he needed to get rid of a little insect that didn't know its place.He drove to the abandoned build where the insect was kept.

Kenji could already hear him screaming
"Boss you're early"

"Yeah I want to get this over with and go home"

"What did he do to make you so angry boss"

"You don't need to know what is was tadashi you just need to do what I tell you to do"

The man with the white hair nodded before opening the door revealing the boy who tried to rape y/n he looked terrible scars and bruises littered his body and Kenji watched with a sadistic smirk as they made the boy kneel on shards of broken glass he wanted to scream but with his tongue being cut only gurgling noises could be made the teacher had on a mask so the little rat didnt know who was doing this to him hut he wished he was dead and his wish would be granted in a few minutes.

Kenji would have liked to torture him more for what he did to y/n but the longer he waited the higher the chance of somebody finding this place so he grabbed a dagger and walked up to the boy he wanted to carve the girls name in the bastard's skin but that would make people think she killed them so he settled on  stabbing the man multiple times over and over until he had gotten all his anger out he was covered in blood,knowing he could go home like this he asked his men to buy him the same clothes he had on once they cleaned the body up he let out a sigh of relief.

"one less person to hurt her"

He walked out and let his men drive him to a mansion nearby where he could shower and clean up,once done he went to order food and go home he saw the girl laying comfortably on couch and he realized in two days they would no longer go to school together and she would no longer be at home with him his heart stung but he knew they would still be able to talk to each other and that helped lessen the pain.

(Hey guys with exams I couldn't update any of my stories but now exams are finished and I'm hoping I passed I have a month to wait before results come out so I'll be posting when I can thank you guts for being patient ,for reading,liking,commenting and adding to reading lists please vote and comment what you think about this chapter)

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