Untitled Part 21

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we were sent back to our rooms after the discussion with mister Daido but my head couldn't be happy with the fact that I was getting a new phone I needed my old phone i had things on it i needed like my list of anime to watch and the list of ones I've already watched not to mention Kenji my mind wandered over to my math teacher who had been my rock when life was getting a bit too hard to deal with he'd taken care of me without even worrying about himself and that made me feel guilty i left with just a letter which was quiet rude but I'd rather him think I was rude than to get him in trouble with the school or even worse the police.

In hindsight I realized how dumb it was of me to stay with him wanting to get away from my thoughts i decided to go for a  walk it was around 9 pm and everyone were in their own rooms well i assume everyone is in their own rooms quietly opened the door and stepped out the cold breeze hit my face and i already started feeling better my what was supposed to be a five minute walk turned into a twenty minute run and it help me in completing my goal in forgetting about things .

at least I managed to forget until I saw familiar black wavy hair.

"Kenji what are you doing here?"

before I could stop myself the question escaped my mouth and his stormy grey eyes met mine he had bags under his eyes, and he looked as if he hadn't slept in ages.

"Kenji are you ok."

"You haven't been replying to my messages."

"Um I lost my phone."

"You left without saying anything."

"I left a letter."

he just stared at me with a hurt look on his face and the guilt I had been feeling came rushing back.

"I'm sorry I felt bad about the position I put you in I shouldn't have been staying with you as your student it wasn't appropriate."

he looked more hurt at my apology, and I had no clue what to say for the first time I felt awkward in his presence and i couldn't think of what else to say.

he smiled gently trying to hide his pain.

"Can we talk for a while?"


we were about to sit on the sidewalk when i heard a voice behind me.

"y/n what are you doing?"

 his deep voice made me shiver, I turned around slowly and winced when I saw the angry look on Iwa's face his black hair was ruffled and dripping with sweat almost as if he ran to catch up with me.

"Why are you walking around so late, do you not know how dangerous it is?"

before I could say anything as a reply his eyes looked at Kenji and the scowl on his face deepened.

"Why are you always with him?"

"We just ran into each other"

"Does that sound believable to you?"

"It doesn't have to sound believable if it's true."

he scoffed as he walked up to me and grabbed my wrist when he started pulling me Kenji quickly placed something in my hand with a small smile, I quickly put my hand in my jacket pocket and let myself be dragged away by Iwa he held my wrist tightly only loosening his grip when the house came in to view.

"You need to stop seeing that man."


Iwa stopped and looked at me. 

"Stop meeting up with him."

 it was an order the kind you get from a person you work and although I felt angry, I still decided to keep my cool.

"It wasn't on purpose I just ran into him."

"I can't believe that you probably made plans with him."

"Made plans with what when I don't even have my phone." 

my face was hot with anger from being accused of something I didn't even do, and I could feel my body shake.

I pulled my hand away from him and walked ahead there's no point in explaining yourself to people who won't believe you I got home and locked myself in my room.

I'm going to school tomorrow I'm feeling better and I'm tired of being around these people .I packed my bag and got my uniform ready before going to shower when taking off my jacket the note Kenji gave me fell out.

'Life can be tough just know whenever you need me, I'll be there.' 

it was a small gesture of kindness that made my heart feel like something was flying around it I put the note in my cupboard before going to the bathroom and having a cold shower I need to cool down.

after changing into a long baggy t shirt, I put the light off and climbed in bed hoping tomorrow would be better.

*Meanwhile with the brothers*

"Why didn't you bring her here, I wanted to speak to her" Akihiko questioned iwa

"She got angry."

"What did she get angry for?"

"I saw her with that teacher again."

"What?!"scream echoed through the room along with a bunch of scowling faces.

"We need to do something about that man he's getting to close to her."

"I think she likes him."

"What makes you say that?"

"The way she was looking at him."

"Why would she like him he's so old"

   "you know girls sometimes like more  mature dominant men maybe shes ones of them"


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