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"you're besotted with him."

"What the hell are you talking about?'

"it's so obvious you can tell from the way you refuse to stop seeing him, it can't be that difficult to stay away from a man y/n"

the h/c haired girl was infuriated by their constant need to always insert themselves in her business, their behavior has been idiosyncratic, and she could not figure out how to manage it, once again her head was pounding and the constant yelling in the car did nothing to stop the incessant pounding in her head, she was seconds away from yelling at them but the car stopped Infront of their house and instead of yelling she scrambled out of the car, rushed to her room and locked the door it didn't take long for the door knob to jiggle ,indicating someone was trying to get in.

she remained wordless but the continuous jiggling of the doorknob sent her off the edge she screams telling whoever was at the door to leave her the fuck alone and the jiggling stopped until she heard mister Daido's voice.

"y/n can you let me in please."

his voice was serene and hearing his voice the girl managed to calm herself down her breathing was steady and when she finally opened the door her anger had vanished mister Daido smile gently at the girl in front of him before asking if she could let him into her room the girl was hesitant but after studying his face, she had determined he had no intention of harming her she opened the door wider for him to enter..

he sat on the chair close to her bed that was meant for her desk and motioned for her to sit on her bed, the girl feeling quite deflated dragged herself towards the bed and practically threw herself down the older man laughed at the female's antics before straightening himself out and getting ready for the discussion he needed to have with the young female in front of him.

" I consider myself wise and sagacious."


"I have a keen mental discernment."

the female felt her face flush when he explained the meaning of the word finding herself embarrassed by the fact that she didn't know what the word meant.


she had no clue where this conversation was going so she had absolutely no idea what to say.

" I know you think your teacher isn't dangerous, but you probably don't know him as well as you think you do."

"I could probably say the same thing about everyone is this house I've only lived with you for a few months and yet it feels like your sons are trying to control my entire life."

"I don't think they are trying to be controlling they are just protective." 

"Then why aren't they the same way with my sisters they go out with friends and boys and its perfectly fine."

"Well, that's probably because they are going out with people and boys their own age."

"That still doesn't excuse their behavior I need space I can't have them always hovering around me watching my every move sometimes I like to be alone."

Mister Daido didn't like the fact that y/n was spending time with her teacher or even talking to him, but he knew that if he forbade her from seeing him it would just push her more towards him so he decided to stay out of the way and let the man mess it up on his own he told her he would speak to his sons about giving her some space but he would never stop them from protecting her.

y/n was silent after he said that, and mister Daido gave her a new phone before leaving her room she decided not to use her phone for the time being and went to shower letting the scalding hot water rinse away all the fatigue and worry she had been feeling.

once she was done showering, she set up her phone and got busy trying to regain and remember everything she had on her old phone because she hadn't been smart enough to save all her information she couldn't remember phone numbers, but she had written down all the phone numbers she had in case something happened to her phone this was something she was glad she had done.

once done setting it up and saving all the phone numbers she hesitated before messaging Kenji.

'HI this is y/n I've got a new phone.'

she sent the message nervously and not even thirty seconds later she received a reply. 

'Glad I get to talk to you again.'    

her heart skipped a beat and her face flushed when she read the message meanwhile mister Daido scowled while reading their messages, they had spent hours talking and getting to know each other more nothing inappropriate was said at least nothing that was bad for an ex-educator.

from the texts alone mister Daido could understand why his sons didn't want her around the older man it was obvious they harbored feelings for one another, but he knew for now they wouldn't act on their feelings the female was 18 and that meant she could be in a relationship with Kenji if she wanted to but she was unsure of her feelings and she wasn't sure if the feelings she had were reciprocated.

he said he liked but to the female who had never been in a relationship he could have meant it in many other ways, and she was not willing to embarrass herself but just assuming he liked her in the way she liked him.

(hi guys thanks once again for reading please don't forget to vote and comment to let me know what you think) 

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