Chapter 2

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I dumped onto the couch and sighed. This day had been long. Not enough with the six people who were after me, I also had to kick some drunk man out who had tried to touch a woman.

I grabbed the picture on the table next to the couch. It showed seven people. A blond guy with electric blue eyes, and a small scar on his upper lip, he was holding a girl, with a blue feather in her brown hair and kaleidoscopic eyes, that even in pictures seemed to change. Then there was a black girl with big hair, who leaned onto an asian guy, with a cute babyface. Then there was our little elf. He had brown curly hair, pointy ears, and a tool belt around his waist. The next two people made me smile even wider. A blonde haired girl with stormy wise gray eyes, kissed a jet black haired guy with sea green eyes.

The Seven. Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Annabeth and I. We had so much fun that day.. It was also the last day I had seen them... I put the picture back on the table, and grabbed a book on Ancient Greek, it was about the sea animals in the oceans. After ten minutes of reading, my eyes began to feel heavy. I tried rubbing them, but it didn't help. I placed the blue book on the table, and then fell to sleep on the hard couch, like I did every day. And like I did every night, I dreamed of the horrors in Tartarus.

"Welcome back, Perseus Jackson. I have to admit that I've missed you." Tartarus' voice boomed. I shiver, and take a step back. "So for today, do you want knives or heat?" Tartarus laughs. If I could've answered I probably would have said something that only Persassy could, but well, it felt like my lips were glued together.

"Right, I forgot you couldn't talk, how about... BOTH!?" He laughed, and drew a dagger from his cloak. Yes Tartarus was wearing a cloak today. It didn't look pretty on him, it made him look like an ass.

Next thing I register is the growing pain in my abdomen. Tartarus laughs as he hits me repeatedly.

The dream suddenly changed, and suddenly I was standing in front of my bar "Sea of Monsters". Yes I know that the name sounds weird, but it just felt right, okay? I saw myself walking out of the bar, and the six guys hiding behind a container. Had they always been there?

"Come on, he's gone now." The blonde guy proclaimed.

"Yea, we can see that Steve." Tony says. Steve rolls his eyes. They all get up and walk into my bar and approach Big Bear's table. "You need to come with us." He said, and grabbed Big Bear's arms. I laughed, number one rule is to not touch Big Bear, unless you're one of his friends. He grabbed Tony's hand and squeezed it.

"I think not."

"You are coming with us, or else we will call SHIELD." Steve said. That made Big Bear let go of Tony's hand. Big Bear looked defeated and slowly nodded, and followed the guys outside where a black car was.

The scene changed into an interrogation room, where Big Bear was cuffed to the table. He was in a white room with a table, the chair he was sitting on and a chair on the opposite side. There was a door and a window that was one sided. I bet the six guys were on the other side. The door opened and in came a black guy with an eyepatch. Great, pirate guy had kidnapped my best customer.

"Where is Perseus Jackson?" Pirate dude asked. Big Bear shrugged, which made the eyepatch dude smack the table with his hands. "Where. Is. Perseus. Jackson?" With each word his one eye glared more intense at Big Bear, making him gulp.

"L-look, I, I don't know where he is." He stuttered. It was clear he was lying.

"Let me ask you something else." Angry Pirate Dude said. "Why did everyone in the bar freeze, when one of my agents mentioned his name?"

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