Chapter 14

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"Great let's go then." I said and headed to the stairs and opened the door to the stairs. It was when I bumped into someone.

"Geez!" The person said and held their forehead.

"I am so sorry, I-" The person straightened their back and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, I felt like someone was talking about me?" He asked, his brown almost black eyes looking into mine.

"You heard us, didn't you?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah." He said sheepishly, and laughed a bit nervously.

"Come on in." I waved him inside, and brought him into the living room with Annabeth, Jason, Piper and Clint.

"That was fast." Natasha commented.

"Yes, he was standing on the staircase." I sent him a look that said 'explain'.

"Well, uh, I eh.." He stammered.

"Wait, hold up. Is this Nathan?" Piper asked. Nathan looked at her, sending her a questioning look.

"Yes, this is Nathan." I gestured to my driver.

"So you're Percy's driver?" Leo asked. Nathan looked into Leo's eyes and made him flinch.

"Yes, I am Jack's chauffeur." He said with a monotone voice and a blank face. He was wearing the same thing he had on last time I saw him. A black buttoned up shirt, black pants and his sunglasses was this time in his pocket in his shirt.

"We actually need your help." I said, taking over the conversation. Nathan raised an eyebrow.

"Why am I not surprised?" He asked, and put his hands in his pockets in his jeans.

"There's a new prophecy."

"You're kidding. Right?" Nathan asked. I just stared at him, he got a look of concern. "And I guess it's about you, again. Right?" I nodded. God's, I was tired of these prophecies.

"It goes like this,

The lost hero once back lost

powers will grow

heartbroken and lost the hero will be crossed

and to snow

the lost will bow." By now we all sat around the dinner table. Nathan stared at me for a moment before talking.

"Well, the lost hero is definitely you. And 'powers will grow' probably means that your powers will grow, you know become better than they are at the moment..." He looked down at his folded hands on the table. I sank some spit. The Seven looked at me with confusion. I feel like everyone looks confused at me all the time.

"'Heartbroken and lost the hero will be crossed' That could possibly mean that you'll come into some sort of fight, 'and to snow' maybe Khione? But I'm not sure.. I mean Khione is practically the goddess of snow, so maybe you'll fight her?" Nathan leaned back in the chair, and my love for this prophecy fell drastically. Well, not like I liked the prophecy before. "'the lost will bow'... I'm not entirely sure about this one, but you will bow to something, maybe the Gods? Or uh, the pressure? I don't know, bow could literally mean that you collapse under all of the pressure and probably die." Nathan blurt out.

Everyone looked at Nathan with shock. Did he just say that I am supposed to die in this prophecy? I don't want to die! Not yet! I haven't even gotten my own family yet! I'm too young to die!

"D-did you just say that Jack is supposed to die?" Bruce asked, what everyone else was thinking.

Nathan looked surprised at the doctor. "What?" He asked, ignorant. "I don't recall saying that?" He narrowed his brow. I realized he had zoned out. He often does that when he is doing something that his father stands for.

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