Chapter 22

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"The lost hero once back lost

powers will grow

heartbroken and lost the hero will be crossed

and to snow

the lost will bow"


Percy's POV

I looked up at the hill and saw Khione stand next to a demigod trapped in ice. I already knew it was gonna be Khione who would attack, but I was still shocked. I knew that the prophecy was about Khione too, but how? Would I die today? Would someone else die today? Or would Khione die? Would anyone even die? I didn't know, but what I did know was that Khione was standing on the hill with a hand on her hip and smiling evilly down at us. Her lush black hair laid perfectly around her face and down her back, and her coffee-brown eyes were sparkling with a cold glint. She smiled down at me, and I reached for the sword at my side and drew it. She had caused us all too much trouble, and now she was here? At camp? Hades no! Sorry Neeks.

I took a step forward but Annabeth grabbed my arm.

"No." She whispered. She shook her head and glanced up at Khione. "Percy, no." But I had to do this, so I turned around and walked closer to the goddess of snow and ice.

"Khione." I greeted coldly. Haha, you got that? Nevermind. She looked at me with hatred.

"Perseus Jackson." She said, the air immediately grew colder. "I heard from Deimos that you would be here." She looked at her nails, checking them for scrapes or something. "A son of Poseidon in my collection of statues would be pretty cool. Don't you think so?" She looked up at me, and I started to freeze. I raised my sword a bit, showing I wouldn't give up without a fight. She shrugged. "If you say so." She then jumped forward and made an ice spear from her hands and threw it at me, I slashed it in half with my sword and jumped at her. She dodged quicker than I could react, I then spun around and slashed at her when she tried to stab me. I jumped back and swung the blade towards her neck, but she ducked and stepped a few feet away and then created a snowstorm.

Great, now I would be trapped in a snowstorm. Her domain. I closed my eyes and focused on the water particles in the snow but I couldn't get a firm grip on them, it was like every time I got the control it was being ripped away from me by the storm. I couldn't control this. I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything. I could only see white from all the snowflakes hurling around me. I walked a few steps forward but was pushed back almost immediately by the storm. I tried to walk another way, but the same thing happened again. Great. She had trapped me in a storm, and the gods only knew what she was doing! Maybe she had frozen the entire camp? Maybe Khione was just a distraction? I didn't know and it was frustrating! I slashed my sword into the storm but the only thing that happened was that my sword got ripped out of my grip and disappeared in the snow. I growled frustrated and shot my hand out and melted the snow successfully to water, I smirked and directed the water in the direction Khione was in last time I saw her. Or maybe she had turned to snow, I didn't know but I couldn't just stand in here and not do anything. I growled frustrated again and started to walk forward, melting the water with my powers, which apparently worked all of a sudden. I could feel the winds push me around, but I stood my ground and closed my eyes, concentrating on melting the ice and snow.

When I opened my eyes the snowstorm was gone, and Khione stared at me with wide eyes, but quickly put up a blank face, she was completely drenched in water, and looked pissed. Guess she had turned into a snowstorm. I wiped some sweat off my forehead and quickly scanned the camp and demigods from here. Everyone seemed okay, and there was a layer of frost over all camp, but nothing too bad. I focused my eyes on Khione. She was standing with an icesword in her hand and looked really really pissed. I looked around me, but my sword was out of sight. Guess I had to rely on my powers that would turn on and off by themselves.

"Was that all you got, Kitty?" I asked mocking. Maybe not the best thing to say, but you know me. I always have to piss off my enemy. And it worked, she hissed at me and sent an ice dagger flying towards me. I raised my hand and it turned to water before hitting me. The water gave me a small amount of energy, and I smiled and silently thanked my Father. "Come on, Kitty. You know that water is my speciality." I mocked. Why did I keep doing that? I was gonna get myself killed.

"Oh I know. That's the fun part." She smiled, showing her perfect white teeth. Her coffee-brown eyes sparked with something I couldn't quite place. I frowned, and dodged when another ice dagger went flying towards me. It grazed my arm, and I hissed as it got cut open. I jumped to the side, dodging another dagger and then ran to the side where I had seen a sword lying on the ground. I could hear Steve and Annabeth argue about helping me. Steve was arguing about helping me and Annabeth tried to explain that it was best I did this alone. Which was right. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. My hand closed around the hilt of the sword and I cut down an ice dagger. I cut over flying ice daggers as I ran closer to Khione. Just as I had cut one ice dagger over, another came flying. I dodged and spun around slicing the ice in half. She was fast. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Avengers and some demigods slowly approach. I jerked my head to the side, to quickly look at them, then I concentrated on not getting cut in half.

"Go!" I shouted over my shoulder, as my blade met the blade of Khione's icesword.

"Percy no! You're gonna get killed!" I could hear Annabeth shout from behind me. Guess she changed her mind and thought it was better to help me. I looked over my shoulder quickly locking my eyes with her gray ones.

"Go! Don't wait for me! Just go!" I shouted back and had to turn my attention back to the goddess. I blocked her sword and pushed with all of my strength. She took a step back, then she took a step to the side, causing me to fall over. I quickly gained my balance again and hacked at her. She blocked quicker than I ever could. How could she be so fast? Was snow really this fast? I took a step closer, and suddenly felt cold. I was about to swing my sword at her, when I started to freeze. I looked up at her face and she was smirking. Why was she smirking? I frowned, then glanced over at Annabeth and the seven and the Avengers, they looked at me with wide eyes, then Annabeth screamed. Why was she screaming? I was just a little cold. I looked back at Khione and stepped forward. My body hurt when I moved. My lungs started to hurt, I looked down, and saw my clothes were rimmed with frost. Huh, guess that's why I'm so cold. I looked up at Khione again and raised my sword ready to attack, when my arm suddenly couldn't move. I tried to move my legs, but couldn't. Why was I freezing so much? No one else looked like they were freezing, but why was it then so cold? I felt the frost slowly move up my legs and my body. Why was I so cold? Was I gonna die? With wide eyes I looked at Khione who was laughing. Why was she laughing? I felt slow. I needed warmth. I was so cold. My breath was white when I exhaled. Why was it so white? I had trouble breathing, and couldn't move my legs or arms. It was like I was frozen.

"Wha-" My voice was barely a whisper. She smirked, then she reached her hand up and touched my forehead. Her touch was cold and I immediately felt the ice going through my body. Gods it was col-


So... I guess there's not really anything to say to this chapter. Any questions? :D 

Insert 'maniacal author laugh' or whatever it's called:)

1440 words.


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