Chapter 23

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"The lost hero once back lost

powers will grow

heartbroken and lost the hero will be crossed

and to snow

the lost will bow"


3rd POV

The Avengers and the rest of the Seven watched in horror as their friend fought Khione, the goddess of Snow and Ice. His clothes slowly started to rim with frost, and Annabeth watched with wide eyes as his movements got slower. He couldn't do this. He quickly looked over at them, then shouted "Go!" Annabeth frowned, then looked pissed but also a little scared.

"Percy no! You're gonna get killed!" Annabeth shouted to her ex. She couldn't handle it if he got killed. Then what would she do? She wouldn't be able to live with herself. Percy looked over his shoulder and Annabeth's eyes locked with his.

"Go! Don't wait for me! Just go!" He shouted and broke eye contact. Annabeth's heart sank and she looked helplessly at the rest of the Seven and the Avengers.

"H-How can we help him?" She asked. The Avengers glanced at Percy.

"We could try to fight with him. Even though he doesn't want to. To be honest I don't understand why we don't just fight!" Tony complained.

"Khione can literally turn you to ice if she wants to, as you can see with the demigod over there." Jason pointed to the demigod who had been turned to ice, when Khione showed up. They all felt bad for him. But right now they didn't have time to think of a solution to melt him up. Tony began to walk closer to the ice sculpture.

"We can use my heater on my suit to unfreeze him-"

"Don't step closer to him!" Annabeth and Jason said in unison with scared voices. Tony turned to them with a frown.


"You could accidentally turn to ice, if you walk too close to him." Piper explained, Tony nodded in understanding. Their head jerked to the side when they heard a weird sound. They all widened their eyes when they saw the frost show up on Percy's clothes. He froze, then looked over his shoulder and frowned. Khione was smirking and Annabeth's heart dropped. She watched in horror as more rimfrost appeared on Percy. Then she screamed. She screamed all her anger and scared feelings out when the frost started to slowly start to thicken and turn to ice. Percy looked confused then turned to Khione again. But Annabeth couldn't forget his face. His face was pale and his lips were beginning to turn blue. The Seven looked in horror at the scene that took place. Percy got even more white, and his lips turned iceblue. His breath could be seen and it looked like he was beginning to struggle to move. The Avengers were trying to get closer to help, but invisible winds pushed them away when they came too close. The only thing they could do, was to watch in horror as their friend slowly was turning to ice. He looked down and looked shocked by his clothes, then he looked up again, Annabeth held a hand over her mouth. It was like watching a movie, and you already knew what was gonna happen, but this was just in real life, and you couldn't do anything to stop the inevitable.

The ice began to move up his legs slowly, and his body. Just a thin layer. But still visible. He opened his mouth and said something none of the Avengers nor the Seven could hear, then Khione raised her hand and touched Percy's forehead. Annabeth widened her eyes. Tony looked in horror as the ice spreaded over his head and covered the kids whole body in a thick layer.

Percy Jackson was officially an ice sculpture.

Then Khione turned to the Seven and Avengers and smirked.

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