Chapter 17

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It was nice. Sitting in my mom's apartment with Paul and Estelle, eating cookies. It was nice. I had missed it a lot, we talked for hours and filled each other in on what was happening in our lives.

"Wait, you're an Avenger?" Paul asked wide eyed.

I chuckled. "Well, I was forced to become one, but yeah." I shrugged, grabbing another blue cookie.

"What is your superhero name then?" My mom asked me, with a proud look in her eyes. I froze, I actually didn't know.

"I don't think I have one." I stated. Has Tony mentioned any name? I honestly couldn't remember. A lot of things have happened lately.

"Well, we can't have that. What would you like to be called?" Paul leaned forward.

"Uh.." I scratched the back of my neck. "A lot of things have happened lately, and with the new enemy-"

"Never mind! Let's not focus on that now. How about Hurricane?" Sally asked me. Hurricane? That was a good name, indeed.

"That is a good name... Got any other ideas? Maybe something that doesn't include water or something like that, since my powers don't really work" I asked, while thinking of other names. Why did it have to be so hard to come up with codenames?

"Then I suppose Riverdance doesn't work?" Paul asked.

"I don't think so..." He nodded, and we all sat deep in thought. What would be a cool name? What was I good at? I was good at fighting. Being a Seaweed Brain. Eating cookies... Nah, none of that really worked.

"I actually like Riverdance." My mom said, as she reached for her glass of water. I nodded slowly.

"It is a good name.." I said as I thought more of it. Then after some time I opened my mouth again. "You know what, I'm gonna call myself Riverdance." I stated. Paul and Sally smiled at me and Estelle giggled on the floor.

I walked down the street with a happy bubbling feeling inside of my chest. I had a family again. In fact, I had never lost them. I walked down the street smiling for myself. I stopped and held out my hand when a taxi drove by. It stopped in front of me, and I jumped inside, paying the chauffeur and telling him where to drive me. At first he refused but I just gave him the rest of my money. And I watched as the yellow car started to drive. I looked out of the window. How would the Seven and the Avengers feel about this? I shook my head. No, I had already told them I wasn't going to fight in the upcoming war. So I quietly watched as we drove out of New York City and onto the subway. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I could only hope he hadn't broken any furniture..


This is the worst chapter ever. But I had to post something, and well.. this was what I was able to write. I promise on the river Styx that the next chapter hopefully will be better. I have a feeling the next chapter will be better, and I finally know what to write.


The Bartender - A PJO & Avengers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now