Chapter 4

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"Uh, sir. You need to wake up." Someone jogged me, I yawned and stretched and watched out of the front windscreen. Lights from New York could be seen. "We're in New York, sir." Nathan told me as we passed the NYC sign. New York. It's been a year since I've been here. A year since I left. The place where my friends and family were. And my girlfriend...

"Can you draw me over to Clary & Babara's café?" I asked, Nathan gave me thumbs up and headed towards the café. We stopped at a red light, and I looked out through my window. People were walking in their own minds, living their best lives ever. The car began moving again and I zoned out, until a question rankled me.

"Did we lose Tinman and the cars?" I asked, glanzing at Nathan.

"Yes, we lost them in Manchester, Boss." He said, giving me a small smile and then concentrated on the road again.

"Good." An awkward silence layed over the car. "Look.." I said, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess." I apologized.

"Hey, it's okay, you needed someone to drive you, and here I am." He smiled at me. I returned the smile.

"But it's still not fair, now SHIELD is after you too." I said. I had just dragged him into this mess without asking him. He moved to Boston to get peace, and what do I do? I brought him into a gunfight and car chase!

"Look, I can just transform and disappear into the woods for a while." Nathan said and stopped in front of Clary & Babara's. "We're here Boss, and no more complaining, I chose to drive you. I could just have handed you the keys, but no, I chose to drive you." He said, I nodded and sighed, then I thanked him and stepped out of the car. I waved at him when he drove away, and then I was left to myself in this city.

I sighed and started to walk down the street, not knowing where I was heading. Now when I was in New York I also had to find a place to stay. I couldn't go to camp, or home to mom, it wouldn't be safe, and I didn't want to bring them in danger, even though I failed them. I walked into a store, and walked down looking at the products on the shelves. I grabbed a soda and a bag of blue candy. I walked up to the counter and paid for my stuff, I then walked out of the store and opened my bag of candy and put a blue gummy bear in my mouth. I pulled my hood on my jacket over my head and opened for my soda, and took a sip.

I walked in my own world when someone bumped into me, making me spill half of my soda on the ground.

"Sorry." The man said and walked past me. I made a sweeping gesture in irritation, great, what a waste of money! I sighed and kept on walking, throwing the empty bottle out in a trashcan.

I walked around in Central Park and sat down on a bench, still with my hood on, in case someone I knew was here. You'd never know. I stretched my legs out in front of me and looked at the ducks swimming around in the lake. Why was Tinman and SHIELD even after me? I know I ran away from them, but why were they even after me? What could I have done? Maybe it was all the school I had blown up through the years? Okay, some schools weren't my fault, but if you listen to the principals and government it was me who blew them up. The government. Of course, they kept a record on everything you have ever done. God's mine was probably long.. I was ripped out of my thoughts when a little girl, probably only a year old, fell over my feet. I looked for a second at the girl in the blue dress, it was in a beautiful light shade, like the sky. I quickly got up, and helped her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, kneeling down at her height and I dusted her knees and hands off.

She looked up at me with shiny blue eyes, and nodded. "Yes." I smiled at her.

"I'm sorry I tripped you." I said. She just smiled at me.

"It's okway, that happens."

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Estelle, what is your name?" She looked at me, but my eyes caught a woman running towards us.

"Honey are you okay?!" She asked, concerned.

"Yes momma, he helped me." She pointed to me, and I waved at her before standing up. The woman lifted up Estelle.

"Thank you, sir." She smiled. It was first now, I got a good look at her, and saw that she had brown hair down to her shoulders, blue sparkly eyes, and her smile lit up her whole face. I gulped and pulled down the hood on my jacket a bit. This wasn't a random woman's kid I had helped. This was her. Sally Jackson. My mom. I prayed to the Gods she wouldn't recognize me. "Estelle here has a thing for falling over people." She laughed. Her laugh, Gods I had missed that laugh, the laugh that could cheer me up no matter what. The woman who always knew what I needed.. Usually it was blue cookies...

"No no, it was my fault, I accidentally tripped her, I'm sorry." I quickly apologized, and prayed she wouldn't recognize me.

"If you say so.." She laughed, and poked Estelle who giggled. Wait. If this was my mom then Estelle was my... OH MY GODS! I had left a little sister! Tears peeked up in my eyes, and I looked at the ground trying to hide them.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, ma'-am." At the word ma'am my voice cracked, and I quickly walked away from her. I could feel her staring at my neck, and I left the Park and rounded a corner, and walked into an alley. I sat down on the ground with my head in my hands, and took a deep breath. I could have just hugged her, but I didn't know how she was going to react... She would either cry and be happy, or she would hate me for what I did. A growl makes me look up, and my eyes meet the red eyes of a hellhound. Great, just great. I stood up and reached into my pocket where my pen was. But my hands only met an empty space. Styx! I forgot I had left Riptide at camp! I sighed and reached down to my boot where I had a small pocket knife, not like it was going to do any harm, but I guess it was better than nothing?

The hellhound growled at me and set off. I dodged it's paws and rolled behind a container. It barked at me, and I crawled along the wall and ducked when a trashcan came flying. I dodged the hellhound again, it looked like it just became even more angry. How the Hades was I going to kill this thing? I hadn't been attacked by monsters in months. I was in a poor condition, I hadn't really trained that much, because no monsters had attacked me. A red and yellow streak flew past me and shot at the hellhound, it barked at the flying thing and turned to dust when the beams hit it. The red and yellow thing landed in front of me, and I quickly tried to get up, but Tinman held out a hand pointing the glowing thing at me.

"Don't move." A male's voice said under the mask. Great, now Tinman has found me. Could this get any worse? It probably could. Two men came running with guns in their hands, and hailed me to my feet.

"Perseus Achilleus Jackson, you are hereby under arrest." The eyepatch said, walking towards me. I rolled my eyes, and got dragged into a black van with handcuffs on. Yep, this day got even worse.


Awww, he got to meet his mom! But then he got arrested.. That's not so good.. What do you think he did since he left camp and his friends and family behind? What do you think was so bad that he had to leave them??

It's almost 2022, and I'm definitely not ready for the new year, but let's see what it will bring! I think chapter 5 will be out before 2022! Stay tuned!



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