Chapter 8

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As I was sitting in my cell, waiting for the Avengers and that Nick Fury guy to decide what would happen to me, I thought of my actions. How I had defeated the Minotaur at the age of twelve without any training. I then thought of Luke killing himself to save everyone. All of my quests with Annabeth and Grover. The quest with Hazel and Frank. And lastly, the Prophecy of the Seven. Well, now the Seven was only six people, because I wasn't there.

I leaned back on the hard white bed, and closed my eyes, only to be interrupted by the door opening, and Nick Fury stepping in.

I just looked at him.

"We have come up with a solution." He announced, probably expecting a reaction or something from me. But I kept a neutral face. "Would you like to join the Avengers?" He asked. My eyes widened, and if I had been drinking water I would have choked on it.

"What?" I asked.

"Would you like to join the Avengers?" Fury said and facepalmed.

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because if you don't you will be in a cell for the rest of your life." He said. I knew that if I ever wanted to be free, or close to free I had to join them. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to save the world. Not again. I would just fail them as I did before. "You would help the Avengers save the world from aliens or whatever threatens humanity. You will get your own suit and a nickname." Eyepatch told me. I thought of it for a second before nodding.

"Okay, I will join you." I said, I looked over at the one sided window, knowing the Avengers were standing out there, cheering. This was not a thing to cheer for. "But then I have a request." I said.

"What do you request for Perseus?" Nick asked me.

"First of all, I want you all to call me Jack, unless I tell you otherwise." That he nodded to. "That's all I think.." I muttered to myself.

"Well, then Jack you are hereby an Avenger." Fury told me. I nodded, and followed him out of the cell.

"Welcome to the team! I am the leader of this team, and you will be calling me The Amazing Tony." Tony said, shaking my hand.

"Just ignore him." Steve told me.

I nodded. "I will." We walked into what I presumed was the living room, and sat down on the three couches.

"So.. Tell us something about you!" Clint said excited.

"Don't you already know the basics from my files?" I asked.

"We just know of everything you've blown up, so tell us something personal. So we can get to know each other." Steve said. What could I even tell them? That I was a demigod? No. The son of Poseidon? That's the same with the demigod. I can't tell them about the Greek world. I could tell them about my mom? But the truth is, I didn't even know who she was anymore. I had a sister and a mom I didn't even know anymore. I couldn't tell them I had run away a year ago. And if they asked why, I would just lock down. So I ended up with one thing left.

"I like blue food." I said. It wasn't too personal and it wasn't like I said, fuck you.

"Why blue food?" Natasha asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"It's an inside joke me and my mom had." I said, looking at my hands. Why did I tell them? Stupid Percy- Jack! Stupid Jack! Why did I keep forgetting?

"Ah." I could hear the Avengers say.

"How about you tell me something about you?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well I'm from another time. I was a soldier in World War Two." Steve told me. "But you probably already knew that. Anyways, I love to go on long jogs in the morning." He told me. I nodded.

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