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Heyyy, I just realized that Percy's bar "Sea of Monsters" is also the name of the second book in the PJO series. I didn't even notice when I wrote that. I was just thinking should I name the bar? "Drop in the ocean"? "Pearl"? Then I came up with "Sea" and thought, oh! "Sea of Monsters"! Because the men in the bar is monsters or some of them is! I didn't evem realize that the second book in the PJO series was called the same XD 

Coincidence? I think not.

Anyways, I'm gonna update the story soon! I'm currently writing chapter 4! And it is turning out... really emotional :( I'm dying to tell what happens but that wouldn't be fair for you guys. But stay tuned for chapter 4!!


Ugh, our cinema's is closed because of Covid-19, so I haven't been able to watch Spiderman No Way Home, yet.. And I saw this article and video about spiderman and it was about Far From Home, and then a spoiler from No Way Home came up... Ugh I'm mad now cause I can't forget about it now. Does anyone have a machine that can delete certain memories????? Because I could REALLY use one right now! I started crying when I saw the spoiler D: UGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :(((((((((

Your dearest Riordan_LeoGreyson <3

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