Chapter 12

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When I arrived, I hid behind a container in an alley, where I had a good view of the battlefield. The Avengers were standing to the right side, and the 'Seven' to the left. Jason and Tony in front.

"Where is Percy?" I could hear Jason yell. Wow, straight to the point.

"We don't know anyone named Percy." Tony said. His mask was down, so they couldn't see his face. Leo was standing in awe, looking at the suit. Probably thinking on how he could make it even better and stuff like that.

"We know you have him. You fought with him yesterday." Annabeth said, stepping forward, tightening her grip around her dagger.

"We don't know that guy from yesterday. He just came and helped, and after that he ran off." Steve told them.

"Where. Is. Percy." Annabeth took another step forward, but Jason stopped her, telling her something I couldn't hear, I could only see her nod at it.

"You're gonna tell us where Percy is." Jason stated.

"No we're not, we don't know who you're talking about." Natasha crossed her arms.

"Do you know where Percy is?" Piper stepped up, her voice filled with a thick layer of charmspeak. I could see the Avengers trying to fight it, it didn't seem like Natasha or Bruce was affected. I wanted to jump up, yelling that I was right here, but I suppressed it.

"No." Thor managed to say. That's when Hazel snapped, and stepped forward raising her spartha of Imperial Gold.

"Tell us where he is, or we will attack." She snarled, with that every other demigod raised their weapons, so did the Avengers.

"I think we'll choose to fight." Steve said, and raised his shield, ready to attack Jason. With that comment they charged at each other. Captain America attacked Jason, Jason's gold coin turned into a sword made out of Imperial Gold, and he ran to attack Cap and tried his best to dodge the flying shield. Black Widow took on Piper, they seemed like they were equally matched. Bruce transformed into Hulk and attacked Frank who turned into an enormous elephant. Clint started to shoot arrows at Hazel, while she tried her best to cut them in half and dodge them. Thor swung his hammer at Leo, who burst into flames and threw his own hammer at Thor, and then started to work on to build something while fighting Thor and dodging Mjönir. Tony shot laser beams at Annabeth, who easily dodged, and swung her dagger at him, probably fixing up a plan to defect his suit.

It was amazing to watch. After a few minutes of fighting Steve was finally able to throw his shield at Jason hitting him in the head. Jason's eyes showed the white before he collapsed onto the grass.

Leo sometimes looked over at Tony's suit, while fighting Thor. Cap started to help Clint take down Hazel, but apparently forgot she could control metals, so his shield went flying to the ground, his arms still strapped to it. He tried really hard to get it up from the ground. It may have made me laugh, but don't tell him that.

I looked eager at the fight, only a little sad that I didn't get to fight on my own. The Avengers were beating the Seven's asses, when I suddenly could hear Tony yelling.

"FUCK!" He fell to the ground. Annabeth had after all managed to defect his suit.. I thought she wouldn't be able to do it, since he was always in the air. She walked over to him, and opened his mask, and pointed the end of the dagger to his nose. She said something to him, so low that I couldn't hear. What caught my attention was Steve's comment.

"LANGUAGE!" Captain America yelled to Tony. I laughed silently at that. Wait. Language? 'Language'! Styx, I was going out to help them now! I quickly grabbed my sword and strapped it around my waist. I had kept on my breastplate, because they take some time to get on. I stood up, and took a deep breath, and then I walked out on the field. They were still fighting. Steve is trying to fight Hazel with Clint. Hulk trying to smash Frank who was a swarm of bees now. Thor kept throwing his hammer at Leo, and Leo had started to throw fireballs at Thor. Piper and Natasha were fighting an uphill battle. Annabeth and Tony were having a conversation, with Tony lying down on the grass in his suit, with the mask up, and Annabeth kneeling over him with her dagger at his throat. It looked like she was interrogating him. Jason was slowly beginning to gain consciousness.

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