Chapter 11

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I was eating breakfast when Steve walked in, he stopped and stared at me for a second, before he walked over to make coffee.

"You're up early." He said.

"Couldn't sleep anymore." I shrugged. "Besides, they are coming today, so.." I said.

"Yea about that, do you know where we will be fighting?" He turned around and took a sip of his coffee.

"I have no idea, but my best guess? Near the Avengers Tower. They know I am here, so they will probably attack around this tower, trying to get inside." I took a big piece of toast in my mouth, so I couldn't answer his next question, if there came one.

"Okay." With that Steve began making breakfast for himself and the rest of the Avengers. "Do you want eggs and bacon?"

"No, I'm full." I said, and ate the last piece of bread. Steve nodded. As the smell of eggs and bacon rose, I was thinking back on my dream. I had seen the Seven find out where I was, but then my dream had been interrupted by the new threat. Deimos had been talking about how his older brother had betrayed him. But why? He didn't know why and when Deimos was going to attack, and if he had allied with someone. I knew I had heard about Deimos before, but he had just been mentioned once, and then I had forgotten about him. Deimos had been talking about how his brother had betrayed him, was this war pointed at Deimos' brother? I didn't understand.

Lost in my thoughts I stood up, and found a glass and a whiskey bottle and poured some whiskey in it. I took it all down in one swig. I poured another glass, and sat back down on my chair. When was the rest of the Seven going to come and get me? How would I act to them? Should I be all forgiven? I think I'm just going to be as I always am. Not trusting. They broke my trust. If they want it back, they'll have to earn it. If they want us to be friends, they'll have to earn my trust and loyalty. My fatal flaw is excessive personal loyalty, which might become a problem since I'm willing to sacrifice myself and everything to save my family and friends, and to be honest, I still had a soft spot for the Seven. They were, after all, still a part of my family.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I'm lost. I didn't know what to do. Should I go with them willingly? Or make it hard for them? We already had a plan. The Avengers would fight my old friends, and then I would join them if needed.

"He's gone." Someone said. I just ignored it and kept thinking of different ways to avoid my old friends.

"Ya. You buddy, you okay?" How would I be able to help the Avengers when my powers don't work? I also didn't have my sword, I only had the sword Natasha had given me. Of course it could hurt demigods, but the sword didn't feel right in my hand like Riptide did.

Someone clicked their fingers up in my face, and I blinked. Tony was standing over me, smirking.

"See, it did work! Don't have such little faith in me guys!" He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Jarvis informed us," Tony looked down on his smartwatch. "Exactly six point 5 minutes ago, seven people with swords, and bows and one on fire had been spotted at the park." He said.

"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?" I jumped up from the couch, first now to find out that all of the Avengers were standing there in their suits, apart from Bruce, and Tony, who could just summon his suit.

"Well, we TRIED! But you were just gone." Tony yelled. I sighed and dragged a hand down my face.

"Just go, I'll come if you need help. Just shout uh..." My voice faded, I didn't have any ideas.

"How about 'Language'? It doesn't seem weird to yell. I mean, if we need help we can just curse and then Cap would yell 'Language' and then you would come flying in." Tony laughed, but looked serious at the same time. "Okay, maybe you wouldn't come flying in, but it is an idea, right?"

"Do you seriously have to remind me about that time all the time?" Steve said, embarrassed and red in the face.

"Uh, yeah."

"Well if that is our word for help, then we should go." Bruce pointed towards the elevator.

"Yea," I nodded. "I will be nearby, just yell 'Language' and I'll be there." They all nodded, and they left, going to the park to fight my friends. I sighed, am I ever going to get peace?

Probably not.

I walked towards the stairs, and headed over to the park to find a perfect hiding place. Of course with the sword from Natasha and a breastplate.


822 words. I made this chapter shorter, because I wanted to split it up so the battle was in the next chapter :) Sorry for being mean.

Anyways, something I wanted to talk about was last chapter where I introduced you to the new threat. Deimos. And someone said that Percy already had met Deimos before, they said it was in The Demigod Files, which I haven't read unfortunately. I wish I had read it already, but I really can't find it online or in the stores in my country, but I keep looking! But back to Percy who has already met Deimos. I just wanted to say that in this story, he never has met Deimos, and don't know who he is, apart from what Deimos told him in the last chapter.

That was just it. I hoped it answered your questions and confusion:)


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