Chapter 6

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Before you start reading I just wanted to say, this chapter is a lot longer than the others. I had a hard time stop writing.


It had been what? Four days since they brought me to this cell? To be honest I didn't know how many days had passed. Nathan had been released with a warning, but they had kept me. Of course, because I am the dangerous terrorist. It's not like I have the powers to transform into a wolf. No no, they let the fucking wolf go.

I fiddle with my fingers as I feel the water in the air, pipes and the sink in the cell. If I wanted to, I could easily break out, but then I would be on the run, and I didn't really have the energy to be on the run. I fiddled with the end of my shirt and thought of my mom. I had met her the day I came to New York again. She hadn't recognized me, thankfully. I also had a hood over my head and turned it slightly away from her. But I had a little sister. I left a sister. Like my dad had left me. But he had a good reason, he was a god, but me? I was just a broken demigod. The door opened and in came the billionaire. Tony Stank. He walked over to me without a word, and put on some handcuffs and then dragged me out, and into the interrogation room. I sighed. Not again. They had tried this like a billion times, and hadn't gotten anything out of me.

Tony took off the handcuffs when I had placed myself on the chair. That was new.

"Today we are going to test you on different stuff." Eyepatch dude said. I had finally learned his name, but it was not like I was going to use it. I liked to annoy him. I nodded at what he had said. He walked out and in came Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.

"Hello Perseus, I will be testing your strength. We will be arm wrestling, best out of three." I nodded.

"It's Jack." I said for the hundredth time since I came here. Steve nodded and sat down in front of me and we started to wrestle. It took me only five seconds to beat him. I smirked. And we tried once again, and again. I had won all three times, and Steve looked a bit pale.

"You okay bud?" I asked amused.

"Y-yea." He said and got up and walked out of the room. I sat in the room alone for a few minutes, the door opened and in walked Clint Barton.

"Hi, I will be testing your battle strategies." He said.

"How?" I asked, crossing my arms leaning back into the hard metal chair.

"Ever played Call of Duty?" He asked. I shook my head and his jaw dropped. "You're kidding. Right?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Nope." I said popping the 'P'. He looked at me shocked, and then sat down explaining how to use the controls as I had never played xbox before. When I understood what I had to do, we started the game and I lost the first round. The next five rounds I won. Clint gaped at me.

"How?" He asked, speechless. I just shrugged. When he had left the redhead walked in, her name was Natasha Romanoff. I didn't like her to be honest. She kind of freaked me out, but I didn't let it show. She reminded me a bit of Rachel who also freaked me out.

"I will be testing your fighting. Come on." She said and walked out of the door again, I followed her a few steps behind her. We walked into a huge room with a big mat in the middle of the room. To the right it had a ton of different weapons, all from daggers to guns to bows and arrows to swords, and a ton of different stuff. To the left there was a big pool. A small smile creeped onto my face, but I quickly erased all traces of the smile, had ever been there.

"Choose a weapon." She gestured to the weapons on the wall. I walked forward and chose a dagger. It didn't fit my hand perfectly and was a bit too heavy, but it was fine. She nodded at my choice and drew one of her daggers. We moved over to the big blue mat on the floor. The rest of the Avengers and Fury were standing at the benches at the door looking at us. I placed myself in a fighting position, so did Romanoff.

The Bartender - A PJO & Avengers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now