Chapter 36

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Aiden's POV:

But everything princess just confessed is nothing compared to what she was about to sign next.

"... Years of taking his beatings and the bullies at school I would tell myself that things couldn't possibly get worse in this endless nightmare but I was wrong..." what else could this monster do to her? 'Everyone who hurt my princess will fucking pay.' I wanted to rage I wanted to make someone pay but she needs me to be here with her. So, I took a deep breathe as she wiped her face and steadied her breathe as she just looked dazed, lost in thought then she smiled to herself as small tears fell from her eyes. In all honesty I didn't know what to do, all I knew was I wanted to do everything in my power to take her pain away. Then she looked at me and started to sign "Remember the day you saved from getting raped?" I nodded worried I wouldn't be able to contain my emotions if I were to open my mouth and princess needed me to be the emotionally stable.

Jailyn's POV:

' He can't know...but I [You're so fucking pathetic. The bitch who cried for help, you don't deserve shit. You should be the one popping up daisies not your mother. He'll just do the sam-] no no no stop thinking like that he is your friend! Besides you already started spilling out everything might as well finish saying it to bear'

After he nodded it all came flooding in my head every single time "they" touched me, said disgusting things to me, how it hurt more than the last "appointment". God I wanted to puke, but he needs to know ' just say it...' I hesitated as I took a deep breathe and signed away "That was the first and only time someone stopped a monster from raping me..." I wanted to die each time it happened, I wanted to jump off of roofs, swallow handful of pills, cut at my arms and legs, there's not a day that goes by where I don't think about it, to actually do such acts but I never do in fear I wouldn't be taken to the stars if I took my own life. I felt my skin crawl the more I remembered it all at once my eyes started to water again for the millionth time. " How many more times has it happened?" his voice was laced with anger and disbelief like he didn't want to believe such a horror. "... Princess p-please tell me, how m-many times...?" this time his voice started breaking like he was holding back his own tears just like I was holding back mine. Tucking in my knees as I tried my best to not break down but, I failed in the process I let out a broken sob as I just looked at him and confessed " I lost count..." another broken sob left my throat I couldn't look at him I didn't want to see his face 'what if he doesn't believe me?...'

Aiden's POV:

'No... It can't be true. It's not true. God please tell me it's not fucking true, not to my princess... please...' " O-oh my god... princess..." " It started when I turned eleven, one day my father came home with a strange man he told me it was a friend who came to play with me but something didn't feel right. Father said he had to take care of business so he left to his room as the strange man came closer to me. Soon the man made me sit on his lap asked me weird questions of my private parts then he started touching me and I felt nasty I wanted to puke, I tried to get him to stop I screamed as I kicked and shoved him away screaming so my father could come to my rescue...but when he came downstairs all he did was look at his watch and look at me then at the man and said "Just hurry up, I can't focus with her fussing" and left to his room slamming the door. That was the day I knew he didn't love me anymore...that no one was ever going to love me." I didn't want to see anything anymore I didn't want to hear her cry anymore god I didn't want to breathe knowing all these years she kept in everything and no body... nobody tried to help. I didn't try to help... " I kept fighting I kept pushing the monster away but I lost and... he... he raped me leaving blood everywhere, to this day this freaking monster still has his way with me and each time I just want to die more and more, he would pay my father each time he was done... for a couple of months it was just one monster then it turned into two, then three, then four, sometimes even to this day it would be a group as big as eight... they would tie me up, keep me down, make me do things myself as they watched... There was times I tried running away for hours or sometimes I would be able to hide in parks or under cars for days but they always eventually found me and when I would be brought back I knew there was going to be hell to pay. I would be stuck fighting off the monsters for two days straight if I ran away and got caught then I would take a harsh beating from father to make sure I knew not to ever try running away again. The worst of it all is my body is covered in scars and markings from the monsters reminding me I'm worth nothing. I gave up on trying to free myself a long time ago... I would be dying at home, surviving at school, and hideout in my room since it's the only place my father nor the pigs have entered. They are the reason I've hidden my face from you, why I limp, why I get to class late here and there, why I keep to myself, the reason I lost my voice, the reason I want to die..."

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