Chapter 5

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(Time skip) 

Jailyn's POV:

*bell rings* 

'Okay maybe I should avoid the bus Karrissa's slaves could be on there'. I quickly put the things I needed for homework which is stupid! It's just the first day and I already have an easy due bye Friday. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and look for my earbuds. 'Of course' I sassed mentally to myself forgetting I didn't have me earbuds. I check the time it was only 2:38pm (school ends at 2:35pm) okay it should take me 45mins to go make it to the house on time. 

I quickly limp my way to the doors and starts going to my house. As usual I hear the mutters, laughs, and mocks of everyone but right now that the least important. I just need to make it there before he does! 

Aiden's POV:

(Earlier that day)

After I helped Jailyn I gave her my number and told her to meet me at my house at 5pm sharp I told her I would text her the address later. After that I couldn't stop smiling I don't know why 'Because we got her number, she's cute maybe-' I shook my thoughts away we're just excited to have a new friend over at the house. She left first saying how she didn't want people to see us together but I wonder why? I shrugged it off and after giving her time to leave I was up next so I grabbed my things and I noticed her little first aid kit was on the floor. 'Damn it looks like she forgot it, I'll give it back to her after school when she comes'. 

I finally go to my first period which was social studies but I saw my friend Dante in there already saving a spot for me but I didn't except to see the small peanut I helped out 'wait did I just call her peanut never mind that', she was just looking out the window with such blank looking eyes she looked so tired and worn out. From what though school barely came back around and she already looked stressed. I hope she's okay, I really want to ask her what's wrong but she of course won't say anything plus I don't want to overstep her boundaries. I sigh in defeat and looks down as I do I felt someone flick my forehead "Hey what was that for doofus?! " I muttered while ribbing my forehead "The hell you sighing for pea brain what already stressed about school *chuckles *" Dante asks amused. "Nah just have other things in mind" I say as I side glance towards peanut whose just staring at the window. Dante just dismisses my answer and goes to playing on his phone as I keep staring at Jailyn 

'why haven't I seen you before? ' 

As lunch finally arrived I was sitting with my groups of friends Dante my best bud since kinder, Jenny my best nerdy gal pal, Spencer, Diego, and Sam. The mighty 6 we were all best of friends but Jenny and Dante meant more to me and I could tell them absolutely anything. As we were all talking how our summer vacations were we spent I got pretty thirsty and I already finished my lunch so I told Spence I was gonna get a water bottle from the vending machine. As I made my way to the vending machine I heard muffled screams and yelling I looked around on confusion 'Where is that coming from? ' my usual curious self got the best of me and I saw what looked like two figure one was on the ground and the other was standing. I couldn't quite see who they were I tried opening the door but I saw one of the figures come towards the door I panicked so I hid behind the vending machine. 

'Karissa? What is she doing in there? ' as I saw Karissa walk out of the room and into the girls bathroom she left the door open slightly, I heard sniffling and whimpers. I went to go check on them I just saw someone's back facing me and they were laying on the ground before could open the door more my phone vibrated halting my actions. It was a message from Spence "Hey bruh where are you? Class is almost gonna start hurry yo thirsty ass up " I huffed annoyed I look back and see the person was gone so I just made my way to meet up with my friends. 

(Time skip to being in class) 

I was sitting in my seat looking at my phone since I didn't have any of my friends in this class I notice someone come in hearing small grunts and soft thumps. I look up and I see it's peanut except now she's clutching onto her side and is limping even more.' She probably has a tummy ache... right? ' yeah that's what's wrong the food didn't digested her flat belly to well. I heard her slump in her chair and sigh and she just stared at the window again. I wonder what's she's looking at. 

(Present time)

I check my watch and it was already 2:47pm ' What the hell is taking her so damn long?! ' I look around the front doors to the schools and I sighs annoyingly seeing Julia finally come out of the doors and comes to the car "the hell took you so long?! " I say frustrated "I was asking a teacher for help barf breathe relax " Julia sassed at me. I mock her "Just get in the car I want to go home already " I muttered turning on the car and wait to hear the click from her seatbelt then I start driving home. 

We make it home and I tell mom I'm having a friend over. Of course my mom being the sweetest she said it was fine I go up to my room and take out my stuff and groan remembering we have an essay due on Friday. I don't mind writing it just gets boring at times. After putting my things on my desk I lay on my bed and scroll through my phone then I remember I needed to text peanut my address. I go to Jailyn's contact number and save it as "PeanutCutie" I grin satisfied with the name then I send her my address and I wait for her to text back and she didn't so I wait 5mins she still didn't answer then another 30min went by soon it was already 5:15pm 'Where's peanut?' 

Jailyn's POV:

'Shoot shoot shoot shoot! ' I was running home with a grocery bag it was 3:48pm. For the love of pastel don't be home please don't be home. As I ran up my street  a familiar black Mercedes was in our driveway my blood ran cold... 'Its too late'. I stand staring at the front door, I quietly take off my shoes and hide them behind a plant pot, I stuffed the grocery bag in my backpack, I get my keys and unlock the door as quietly as I could with shaky hands. I enter my house and I close the door and lock it I look around and see the coast is clear I take a sigh of relief for it to be soon cut off 

"I thought I told you to come home right after school. " His voice gave me chills. I turned around to face the man I once adored and grew to fear... my father... after mom died he lost it he wasn't himself any more. I flinched hearing a bang "Answer me you slut! Huh?! You let someone else touch you?! I'm the only one who gets to touch you unless I say otherwise you pathetic bitch!!" He yelled while throwing a chair to the wall. He stormed to me slapping my left cheek causing me to let out a whimper. 

"You're such a fucking mistake you killed your mother and I will never let you forget it! " He threw me against wall then he kicked my stomach where Karissa already did her damage. I was whimpering screaming in pain. I wanted everything to stop but I knew he wasn't near done.. He then got on top of me and started punching me, spit in my face, screaming how I didn't deserve to live how I was nothing and never will be anything I'm nothing but a murderer... 

Everything hurt so much... what did I do... I'm sorry eomma... I'm sorry.. He kept hitting me my face leaving it bloody and swollen he then fixed his suit and fixed up he's posture and wiped his knuckles clean and the last thing I heard him say was "I'm having friends over tomorrow clean this place I want it spotless unless you know what's good for you" Then I saw him walk out the door. My vision was blurry my tired eyes drifting to the clock and it was 4:57pm then I passed out. 

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